twenty one (pilots)

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"Are you serious?" I gasped, looking at the two guys in front of me. "You aren't kidding me, are you?"

I felt my cheeks flushing and my breath becoming uneven as I tried to realize what they just told me.
"If you don't want to we can tell her to do something else" Michael shrugged, taking out his phone to dial in a number.

"No!" I yelled. "No please don't okay I just need a few seconds to get this into my head."
"I hope your quick because she texted me that she is already in the lobby waiting for you to come down there"

"Nice pun, Ashton." Michael giggled, causing Ashton to raise his eyebrows in confusion. "Coming down, down coming down..?"

Michael sang poorly, making both Ashton and I chuckle. "Right, oh I didn't notice that. So, Freya are you ready to go shopping with Ashley or nah?"

I gulped once again before nodding my head yes. "Oh god I think I would never have to be ready to go shopping with the Halsey! Fuck"

"Alright I texted her that were on our way" Michael said, walking towards the door of my hotel room.
Ashton nodded and shoved me toward the exit, because I couldn't move on my own.
"You guys are crazy, how many birthday surprises so you still have in stock?" I shook my head with a smile on my face, following Michael to the elevator he was already standing in.

"Well, as you're buying a dress with Ashley for your party tonight, there might be another surprise at the party for you."

"I can't handle this, this is a dream." I whispered.
"We told you were gonna make this the best birthday ever." Michael grinned proudly. "You just have to cancel your plane tickets for Madrid because after this night you'll never want to leave!"

"Michael" I whined "please don't make this even harder... I told you nothing would change my mind."
Ashton and Michael exchanged a meaningful look, making me roll my eyes. "I saw that."

"Saw what?" Ashton asked innocently.
"Shut up Ashton" I laughed just as the doors opened.

"Yeah, shut up Ashton" a familiar voice said as we got out of the elevator. And this voice belonged to no one else but Ashley Frangipane. Halsey.

"Ashley!" Michael yelled, tackling her in a big hug. "So nice to finally see you again!"
Ashton followed right after, hugging both Michael and Ashley.
I just stood there awkwardly, already scared that this is going to be a flop and Ashley not liking me at all.

I couldn't believe my ears when we got back from our trip to the louvre and Ashton told me excitedly that Halsey was in Paris at the moment too and as she was good friends with the band he invited her to come to my birthday party, knowing that I liked her music a lot. And it was even harder to believe that she offered to take me shopping so we could buy the perfect birthday dress for my special party.
Halsey was taking me shopping. In Paris. What even was my life? This was supposed to be one of the most horrible days of the year, if not the absolute worst and suddenly I was standing here with a huge smile plastered on my face, surrounded by people that cared.

This tour was the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me and for once I was glad my parents sent me away. Otherwise I would be spending this day at home in my room, doing nothing but crying and staring at the wall while Hilary would desperately try to comfort me.
I missed Hilary a lot and the weekly phone calls we gave each other and the pictures I sent her from every place we went to weren't enough. I was glad to see her again in three days, it was the only thing I looked forward to.

But right now I was too excited to be sad about the stuff that would await me very soon. How could I be sad when half of 5sos were my best friends and Halsey was approaching me to embrace me in a big hug? I simply couldn't.

"So nice to meet you, Freya! The boys have told me so much about you. Happy birthday!"
I giggle nervously as I pulled away from the hug, trying not to be too embarrassing.
"It's so cool to meet you, I've been listening to your music for a few months now! Can't wait for your album, too."

"Aw you're adorable, thanks sweetie! How about we got going, it's already four in the afternoon and I'm not too sure how long the shops are open." Ashley said, turning around to face the two boys standing there, grinning at the scene in front of them. "Bye guys, we're off to have a great time without you."

I laughed at her words, following after her to the backdoor, waving goodbye to my two friends.
"Bye losers, don't have too much fun without us!" Michael yelled, making Ashley and I laugh.

"It's impossible to have fun without you, Mikey!" Ashley said jokingly before we left the building to walk down to the garage that was right next to the hotel so we wouldn't be spotted by fans.

"I could convince my manager to go without bodyguards, let's just hope we won't get interrupted too often."
"It's nearly impossible to not get interrupted by fans" I sighed, thinking back to the day we explored London without bodyguards and right after we saw the Big Ben a hoard of fans attacked the guys to take photos with them.

"Well, 5sos are a bit bigger than I am" she chuckled. "And I've never played a gig here in France until last night as the support of The Kooks, and I don't think too many people know me yet."
I nodded, getting into the car with her.

"Take us to a good shopping street, Gerard" Ashley said to the driver before turning towards me again.

"I think that will change after your album comes out" I said with a smile on my lips. "Your ep is awesome, I can't even imagine how good the album will be"

"I'm excited as fuck, Freya. I've been working so hard. Wait, I'm gonna show you a song from the new album, because it's your birthday."

I looked at her in disbelief as she pulled out her phone, searching around a bit until she played a track, just loud enough for me to hear.
"This one is called gasoline, it's on the deluxe version. It's one of my faves"

I listened closely to the music playing from Ashley's phone, already in awe after a minute. "I like this one so much! And I see what you did there with the hurricane tune" I giggled, feeling more than honored to be one of the first people that ever listened to a song from halseys new album.

"Thank you! You have to come to one of my shows when I'm touring, no matter where you are."
"Totally" I smiled, letting out a little sigh of happiness.

"So how about we go shop some nice lingerie too, you'll never know what happens tonight" Ashley laughed.
I blushed slightly and nodded. "Well I'm sure nothing will happen tonight."

"Why? It seems like the guys are all over you, especially Luke right? He called me a few weeks ago to catch up and he talked about you non stop."
"He did?"

"Yep. Seems like you wrapped him around your finger."
"Uh.. Yeah." I laughed nervously, desperately hoping she would stop talking about him.
"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes everything is fine! I'm just a little tired but I'm very excited for tonight."
Ashley gave me a look that said 'I know very well that this is not the complete truth.'
So I sighed loudly and turned around a bit so I was completely facing her.

"Okay I'll tell you. But the story is really stupid, I'm not sure if you want to hear."

"Of course I want to. Is it something bad?" She said with a concerned look.

"Well... kind of. Actually, it's really bad."

I nervously scratched my neck, feeling really sad thinking about what happened in the last few days.

Ashley put her hand above mine, giving me a warm smile. "It's okay if you don't want to tell."

"No, it's cool. I already made you nosy so now it would be unfair to not tell you what happened. But please don't think I'm a bad person, I did everything for a reason."

"I could never see you in a bad light, I trust the people Ashton likes, he has a good feeling for that."

I smiled fondly at her, taking a deep breath. "Basically Luke developed feelings for me and I did too and I fucked everything up because I kept a secret from him and this secret is about my past, about things that happened that changed me forever and especially around this time of the year I'm in a very bad mental state and I just couldn't tell him about it because I was simply not ready to talk about it."

Ashley nodded, listening very carefully. 

"So I got worse and realized that my feelings for Luke made everything even more complicated because I couldn't concentrate on him as much as he deserved it and I really would have wished that I wasn't such an emotional wreck so Luke and I could be happy together but it's just not as simple as that." I let out a big sigh and looked down into my lap before I continued talking in a quiet voice. "I need a lot of time to fix the things in my life and I just don't have space for falling in love. Luke went totally nuts when I told him that I can't be with him and then he stopped talking to me and had sex with random girls whilst being completely wasted and Ashton convinced me to come to the club with them so I can talk to him but when I arrived he was already basically fucking this girl on the dance floor so I got wasted too and made out with Michael because he was sad too because he's in love with Calum and Luke saw us and told Calum and now they both hate me and Michael."

"Michael finally admitted that he's gay?" Ashley said, looking super excited. 

"Um... Yeah"

"I knew it. Calum and him always had something going on I knew it. But calum would never admit that he is gay, or even bisexual."
I just chuckled softly, looking down at my hands.
"But aren't you going to do something about it?"

"I guess I will... I'll leave in two days and go back to Sydney so I can sort my life out and grow the fuck up so I can finally be able to live a normal life."
"So you're gonna leave Luke behind without explaining why you did what you did?"

"I tried to explain, Ashley! He doesn't listen. The other boys know about my past because my uncle told them but he doesn't even listen to Ashton when he tries to talk to him. He is completely ignoring us, except Calum and he hates me too so he wouldn't want Luke and I to get along again."

"If I were you, I'd talk to him before you leave. If he really is in love with you then he will understand. Or at least he will try."
I nodded and let Ashley wrap her arms around me. "You'll see everything will be fine eventually, you just have to try. Both of you, I mean."

"Um, we're here ladies" Gerard said through the little speaker.
Ashley smiled at me before grabbing her bag and opening the door. "Come on, let's get you the nicest dress you've ever worn and some amazing lingerie. I pay, you have fun and smile. Deal?"

I laughed at her excited voice before exiting the car. "How do I deserve this?"

"It's your birthday Freya. And everyone wants it to be a special day, because the boys and your uncle and I care about you. I mean, even though I don't know you that well, from what I've heard and how you act around me I can tell that you're a wonderful girl. And also Ashton kind of threatened me." Ashley let out a chuckle.

"Ashton did what?"
"He said if I treat you badly he'll pull out my hair one by one and leak my album" she giggled. "God he loves you Freya, you can't imagine. You're like a sister to him."

I felt how my cheeks became rosy as I followed Ashley down the insanely busy road. Shop after shop was filled with fancy looking people and the clothes I could see through the windows looked incredibly nice.

"I love Ashton too. I love all of them, even Calum. And you're right Ashley, I need to fix this mess before I go home. And what time would be better than my birthday party?"

"That's what I like to hear!" Ashley chanted. "Tonight is the night Freya, tonight everything will shine."

And with that she took my hand with a smile, leading me towards a shop to buy the nicest dress I will ever own for a party that would change everything. Or at least that was what I hoped for.


thanks for 7k babes :) do you have any suggestions? wishes? complaints? let me hear in the comments x

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