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"Freya, Freya please answer me!"

Luke's voice snapped me out of the rigidity I wasn't aware of being in. My whole body was shaking by now and tears were still streaming down my cheeks.

I had no idea for how long I had been sitting like this on the bathroom floor, but when I felt how much my legs hurt it must have been quite a while since I last moved.

"Please unlock the door, I'm so worried, please Freya"

I crawled across the floor until my hand could reach the door so I could unlock it, just to fall back onto the ground right after.

Everything hurt so much, I couldn't even move without feeling as if I was on fire.

As soon as the lock clicked, Luke pushed the door open and his worried eyes found mine right in front of him. His body knelt down next to me, his foot quickly kicking the door closed again.

Luke's big hands wrapped around my waist to make me sit up against the wall. His fingers rubbed over my cheeks, trying to get rid of the tears that kept silently falling from my eyes. He grabbed some paper towels and gave them to me to wipe my nose, his eyes never leaving mine.

"It's okay, I'm here" He said softly, his hands stroking my legs.

"I-I'm so sorry" I sobbed "I-I d-don't want you to- to see me cry all the t-time"

He just shook his head before taking the paper towels from me to throw them away. His arms wrapped around my waist once again before he heaved me onto his lap, nuzzling his face into my hair.

"Don't apologize for anything. I know what happened"

I let out a big sob when he said that, wondering if Carl had told him about the events that made me the person I was today.

"Y-you know what-what happened?" I cried quietly, leaning back into his chest.

"Yes of course, how could you think I wouldn't notice? I get twitter notifications about the photo as well, even though they aren't as bad as the ones you get. But I still read them. And I saw you reading them in the car."

I just nodded, somehow relieved that he didn't know about the real reason of my breakdown. Of course the twitter comments made everything even worse, but they weren't the main problem in my life.

So I just turned slightly on his lap so I was sitting sideward and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shirt. It was okay that he didn't know, I just really needed someone to be there for me right now, no matter for what reason he was here.

My body was still shaking a terrible lot and I just wished it would stop. My head felt like exploding as well, from the hours of crying and the pain I caused from hitting it against the hard bathroom wall. I was such a mess and it was nearly embarrassing to be seen in a state like this, especially from someone as attractive as Luke Hemmings.

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