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don't yell at me please, i'm really sorry for not updating for over a year.

crazy shit went down, including me moving to a different state, starting marching band, and junior year of high school.

also i finally have a wonderful, supportive and loving relationship with an amazing boy :'))
so i haven't had much time this past year to update this story.


id like to change that :) this story means a lot to me, even if TROS is nothing like it (let's not get into what i think of it lmao that's a LONG topic, even with the reylo kiss, which i LOVED)

so yes

i'm going to try to update when i can, hopefully once a week or once every two weeks.

please bear with me, we're all going thru crazy things rn

i hope whatever updates i post, you guys will love :)

oh and a new chapter will be out on saturday :))

- xoxo, the author

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