v - starting over

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The next morning, Rey awoke knowing she'd have to tell General Organa that her son was returning to them. It wouldn't be easy, not in the slightest for either of them. She started by getting dressed in a heather grey tunic and pants with her light grey armbands and vest protecting her skin from the suns unforgiving rays. Rey took a liking to her half up and down style, so she finished getting ready in less time. She could feel the pieces of her broken saber calling to her from the same drawer as the Jedi texts. Furrowing her brows, she decided she would ask Ben about it when he got to the base.

She wouldn't have to wait long to tell the general, since she was outside of her bunker, seemingly already aware of Rey's need to speak with her. "Come," Leia said, leading the way to her office. They didn't speak while walking and simply let the early morning air do the talking for them. Upon arriving, she gestured to a sitting area by a bay window overlooking the base. Rey sat on the window bench and crossed her legs, unsure of where to begin. Leia sat beside her, patiently waiting. Taking a deep breath, Rey began to speak.

She talked of Luke's island and the first moment she saw Ben from across the galaxy. The only parts she left out were when she saw him shirtless and when their hands touched. She wanted to keep those moments for herself. Rey just said she had a sudden vision while she was with him instead. She also talked of the Supremacy, a seemingly bittersweet memory for Rey that caused a few tears to fall. Somewhere in all this, Leia had taken her hand, not interrupting once. Rey left out that Ben had killed his master for her, another memory she wanted to keep untouched. Instead saying he was killed by the both of them in the fight that ensued. His offer to rule the galaxy with Rey at his side was something she mentioned. Leia's eyes widened the slightest bit, but nothing else after that.

"I knew the bond wasn't Snoke's doing when we were just leaving Crait, because he appeared once more at the base of the Millennium Falcon...we didn't speak then, just looked at each other for a moment," she was whispering now, her voice was raw and full of emotion, "then I shut the door on him..." Leia sighed a shaky breath of relief. Rey turned to her, then to the outside. Sniffing, she continued. Talking of the past few connections was difficult, since she really wanted to keep those moments untainted. Of course Leia had a right to know everything, being Ben's mother, but Rey couldn't help feeling selfish. Why is that?, she asked herself, even though she knew the answer already. "He wants to come back. To you and the light...," and me, Rey finished in her mind. At that Leia smiled for a moment, then frowned suddenly.

"What if this is all a ploy by General Hux? He may be conspiring with others to kill you, and Ben may lead him to you, whether he means to or not," she explained in the most gentle way she could. Rey shook her head and reached her hand up to the glass to draw in the morning condensation to distract herself.

"Ben would never hurt me...he said so himself." She unconsciously drew a heart. Quickly, she wiped it away, but not before Leia connected the dots.

"He finally learned to love, didn't he?" Leia said softly to Rey, who was inexplicably blushing now. She removed her hand from Leia's and started playing with her fingers.

"Maybe," was all that Rey could say in response. She was caught up in her own thoughts. Was this really love? Is that how I feel about him? They were so loud she was surprised Leia couldn't hear them. Or maybe she did and spared Rey the embarrassment. "He's coming tomorrow, late at night. I'll sneak him to the old watch-post in the woods and we'll figure out where to go from there," Rey spoke quickly, fearing Leia's reaction. Instead of rage, she nodded.

"Take what you need for him during the day and I'll speak with the rest of the council today. Maybe they'll agree to grant him asylum in exchange for what he knows," Leia suggested. Rey smiled widely and nodded. "Have him land on Pad 17, the farthest from the main base, and we'll meet him when he arrives....he's still my son after all," she finished with a small smile. Rey was so overwhelmed, she hugged Leia, who returned it with hope for her son and his return.

Meanwhile, on the Finalizer, Ben had just finished packing a bag for his trip to Naboo. He really only had black and grey clothes so he made do with what he had. He attended all the necessary meetings for that day and summoned Hux to the throne room. The general walked in to see what the Supreme Leader wanted. "You summoned me, my lord?" he asked through gritted teeth. There was nothing he hated more than bowing before Kylo Ren. The Supreme Leader regarded him coldly and spoke with a tone that couldn't be contradicted.

"I'm embarking on a journey to Mustafar to center the dark side of the force in me and further help in tracking down the pathetic remains of the Resistance. I'll return as soon as my powers have been restored." With that, he left Hux alone in the room. He had a deadly smirk on his face as strode out to the main hall in the direction of the bridge with a certain confidence in his step.

General Hux went to his quarters and took out his responder. "Proceed to stage 2 in Operation Littlebird with gusto please, he'll be arriving tomorrow," he spoke quickly, knowing the message would get across.

On Naboo, Dax had just finished with his training for the day and was in his room when Hux contacted him. He picked up his responder and replied with a curt, "Yes, sir." He wondered for a moment of what he was doing was right and noble. It didn't feel that way at all. Regardless, he put a smile on his face and went to search for Rey.

Too much was at stake for him to back out now.

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Word count: 1063
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