iv - understanding

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Orientation was uneventful, just rerunning rules and regulations along with where to go and not go on the base. Rey hung in the back looking over the newbies. She caught Dax's eye and he feigned sleeping which made her smile just a bit. Her mind drifted to Ben when she gasped and looked outside to the almost pitch black sky. Kriff, she was late!!

Rey shifted down to Leia hurriedly and spoke softly, "Make my excuses to Poe, I have to go...er—meet someone." Leia looked at her with concern written all over her face.

"Who? These recruits need-," but Rey got there first, already on her way out.

"I'm sorry, I have to go!" she shouted on from down the hall. She was running now, all the way to her quarters. Rey reached her room and slammed the door, sliding down and sitting with her back against it. She closed her eyes and called out to him.

Ben? Ben, I'm here...Rey opened her eyes to see him pacing in front of her, up and down her small room. He saw her sitting on the floor and immediately got down to sit beside her. His breathing was heavy and he seemed very relieved to see her.

"What happened? Did you lose track of time?" Ben asked a bit harshly. Rey could understand why since she promised she'd connect with him  an hour ago.

"I-I had a run in with my friends and-," she wasn't able to finish before he scowled and got up, beginning to pace again. "What is the matter?" Rey asked, her voice raising just the slightest. Ben took a deep breath and rubbed his face with a leather-gloved hand.

"Nothing, I just...," he sighed and sat down on her bed. Rey watched him intently, not even breathing. He put his face in his hands and after a long pause, she saw a tear slide down his glove. Rey stood slowly and walked over to him. She knelt in front of him and took his hands away from his face. Ben's cheeks were rosy and his eyes were full of tears. He was staring at at the floor and sniffing periodically.

Rey started carefully removing his gloves. He looked up at her eyes and held them fast as she finished with his right hand and looked away when she took off the left glove. She placed them on the ground and gently took his right hand in her both of hers. Ben let out a chocked sob and held tight, as if she was his last tether to reality (which isn't far from the truth). "I need to tell you something...," he whispered in a broken voice. "Something I never thought I would be saying...," he took a shaky breath. "ever."

Rey didn't say anything. She simply listened, since it wasn't her place to rush him. Ben lifted their hands to his face and leaned his chin on her hand. A hint of stubble was detected.

"I want to be with you," he murmured into her hand. Rey's eyes grew wide and she gasped in the most minuscule way. That was nothing compared to the racing pace of her heart. She seemed to be frozen where she was. Ben suddenly felt shy and stammered. "I just, the First Order isn't what it used—," he was cut off by Rey who let go of his hands to cup his face. His eyes grew wide and he suddenly got very nervous. Rey looked like she was going to burst.

"Ben, you're going to be okay, I swear it," she choked out, and she meant it with all her heart.  Rey grinned and couldn't help laughing with joy.

Suddenly, she let go of his face only to tackle him backwards with a hug. Ben took a moment, then he hugged her midsection, sighing in relief. He smiled, a real smile, for the first time in a very long time. They both stayed that way for a while, just content. At some point, they'd turned to the side and just looked at one another. Ben took one of her hands and gently kissed the back of it. "I'm ready to see you and....to try to let go of my past," he whispered against her knuckles. His warmth and familiarity made Rey feel safer than ever and she grinned when he spoke.

"Me too," she replied. "What's the plan? How will you leave?" At the question, Ben sighed and flipped on his back, cradling her hand on his chest. His ebony hair was messy, all over the place, and falling into his eyes. Rey eyes couldn't help but drift down to his lips when he spoke.

"I'll tell Hux I'm going to a place to harness my powers so I can find you, maybe Mustafar. Then I'll come to you instead," he finished with a light tone in his voice. Ben turned his head to look at her. Rey's hair was fanned out against the duvet, her cheeks had a pink tint to them and she wore a soft smile that was full of light and hope. Her radiance rivaled that of any star and sun in the sky. With that, she closed her eyes and told him where she was.

Opening them, she whispered in a worried tone, "I'm trusting you, Ben. My very life could be on the line. Don't break my trust." All the while, he was exploring her face, lingering on her pink lips and what seems like counting her freckles. She squeezed his hand. "I'm serious," she breathed.

"I would never do anything to hurt you, Rey, I swear it," he said with a serious tone. With that, they dozed off after planning on reuniting the day after the next. It seemed as if the universe was finally falling into place for them.

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Word count: 981
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