ix - distress

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Ben awoke with a start, instantly knowing Rey was in danger. A knock came at the door from a resolute Poe Dameron. "Listen, uh...Ben, I need to debrief you about your situation-," He started when Ben threw open the door, still in the clothes he wore the night before. His hair was unruly but that's how it usually looked. He frantically turned to Poe, who was in shock of his behavior.

"Rey's in danger," he said quickly, ducking back into the shed and grabbing his things. Poe stammered,

"Wait, what? How—the bond?" he asked a bit cluelessly, still watching the mighty Kylo Ren reduced to shambles. He shakily ran a hand through his hair. Ben nodded, continuing,

"She's with someone else...," his eyes hardened and his fists became clenched. "One of the new Resistance soldiers captured her. His name is Dax." Poe's eyes widened and he was very worried all of a sudden.

"He may be a spy, we have to rescue her right now," he exclaimed, motioning his head to the hangers in the distance. "He stole the shuttle you used to come to Naboo, so we'll take another ship." Ben hesitated walking out the door, then took a deep breath, pulling up his hood and following Poe to the center of the base. Before they left the woods, Ben felt a pull from the right of the shed when he passed. He turned to see Rey's staff, seemingly discarded or thrown.

Poe turned to check if Ben was following when he saw him kneeling down by Rey's staff. He felt a certain tug in his mind that confirmed what he thought:

Ben was in love with her. A tiny smile snuck it's way on to Poe's face at the thought of the mighty Kylo Ren loving the humble scavenger Poe had come to admire for her strength.

He watched as Ben picked up the staff, throwing the strap across his chest. Poe turned to keep walking, not wanting to make him angry by staring, though Ben couldn't feel anything but worry at this point.

They got to the open courtyard and no one stopped them, but some stared at the hooded figure following Poe. Finn was having a chat with Rose when his eyes instinctively found Poe, then they landed on Rey's staff...which was not with Rey, but with a random person.

"I'll be back in a second," he said to Rose, making his way to the hanger where Poe was now. Ben was examining a stolen First Order ship in the nearly empty hanger, when his hood was yanked off by Finn.

"You son of a-," he started, cocking his fist to punch him in the face, when Poe stepped in and grabbed his arm before he could make contact with Ben's startled face. "What are you doing here?!" Finn yelled, trying to break free from Poe's hold.

"Lay off him Finn, he's Leia's son!" Poe managed to say, still wrestling with him. Finn stopped for a moment and squinted, scrutinizing Ben's face before finally wrenching his arm out of Poe's grip and muttering curses under his breath. He turned to the pilot and asked,

"What the hell is he doing here anyway? I'm sure he's leading the First Order to us as we speak," he questioned, eyeing Ben up and down like he was hiding something, but Ben's arms were crossed and he was glaring right back at him. Poe pinched his nose and gestures to Ben.

"Would you mind explaining, please, I still don't understand it," he inquired to Ben, who rolled his eyes and nodded, pushing off of the ship to stand on his own.

"Sometime after we met, Rey and I...developed a Force bond. One unlike any I've read about," at this Finn narrowed his eyes. Ben continued, "We can appear to each other at random times and...even physically touch through it. Of course at first, Rey was suspicious of it being a ruse made up by Snoke, but it was real. It still is real," he said quietly, looking at the ground.

Ben's head shot up and he looked Finn directly in the eyes. "I hope you know that I would never hurt her or willingly put her in any danger," Finn scoffed at that, but let him speak, "She means everything to me, and right now she's in the hands of the First Order,"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU START WITH THAT?" Finn shouted, throwing his arms into the air. Poe sighed, and clamped his hand on Finn's shoulder.

"You coming or what?" Poe asked him, looking to Ben for confirmation, to which he replied with a deep sigh and a slight nod. Finn sprang into action and started gathering blasters for them. Ben ignited his lightsaber and swing it around to point at Finn's chest. He stopped in his tracks, swallowing hard.

"Both of you are to follow my strict instructions. Infiltrating the First Order is damn near impossible, so no one, is to improvise...no matter how heroic the action seems," he said in a low voice while pointing his red broadsword saber at each of them.

Which was a mistake, because a private was walking by when he saw Kylo Ren threatening the best pilot in the Resistance. He lifted the glass cover and pressed the red alert button that was next to the open hanger door.

He took off running, shouting, "KYLO REN IS IN HANGER A, HE'S IN HANGER A!!" This caused a group of soldiers to start to gather outside the hanger, pointing blasters inward.

Poe saw the lights overhead go red and knew they were screwed. "C'mon, you morons, we have to get out of here before they start shooting," Poe looked accusingly at Ben, who rolled his eyes and deactivated his lightsaber while grabbing the last of their supplies and running into the ship.

Finn closed the door behind them while Ben started the takeoff sequence, accompanied by blaster shots from the soldiers. "What the hell? I thought I was flying this ship," Poe complained, which made Ben sigh and look at the ceiling.

"I'm the only one who knows exactly where Rey is, so I'll thank you to get your bruised ego out of the cockpit," Ben retorted with a quipped voice, causing Poe to lift his hands in surrender and go see if Finn needed help.

Ben steered the ship out of the hanger at full speed, throwing the soldiers outside off balance. They didn't have a chance to speak before the First Order shuttle left at light speed.

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i suck at regularly updating oops

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Word count: 1098
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