vi - sadness

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Ben boarded a stolen Resistance shuttle and triple checked that there was no means of the First Order tracking him. He knew the standard procedure was to search the ship then to apply a tracker to a discreet area, should anyone try to steal it. Luckily for Ben, this ship, an outdated single person transport, was deemed useless and left in the hanger. He started the engines and left, punching in the coordinates Rey showed him and going to light speed. Ben took a deep breath. This is it, there was no going back after this. His heart knew it was the right choice.

Rey took the liberty of grabbing extra blankets and pillows and slowly taking them to the almost shed-like structure after speaking to Leia. She was in a better mood than she'd ever been in, even twirling around when cleaning the cobwebs from the ceiling of the one-room building. The windows were previously boarded up and broken, but Rey punched the rest of the glass out and hung dark fabric over them. The room had a tall wardrobe of sorts, a small bed, and wooden floors. Soon it became cozy and inviting with the help of some small lanterns hung around the room. Rey, pleased with her work, went out to the main base to see if any speeders or such needed tinkering when she was stopped by Dax.

"Rey! I was looking for you all day, where've you been?" He inquired with a curious look. Rey answered smoothly.

"I was just running some errands for General Organa. Can I help you with something?" She asked politely, looking for a way out of the conversation. Dax chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit, Rey noted.

"Yeah actually, I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight? Before curfew, I mean," He stuttered, when Rey noticed what he was asking. She quickly interrupted before he could finish.

"Dax, uh, you seem really nice, but-," Rey started, when she caught sight of Ben behind him.

Ben stood before her, reading what looked like a holopad. He looked up and immediately hardened his eyes at the sight of another man so near Rey. He could feel that he wasn't a close friend through Rey's body language. She was slowly inching away and the man kept finding ways to inch closer. He get his hands curl into fists and his mouth set into a scowl.

"I-I'm incredibly busy, and I really don't have time to spare with anyone who isn't a priority," she finished while keeping eye contact with Ben. Dax furrowed his brows and looked behind him, seeing no one before turning back to Rey and replying curtly.

"You know, if you had a boyfriend, you could've just said. Excuse me," he said, walking off to his quarters. Rey didn't look at him while he left, keeping her eyes on Ben. She walked towards Hanger A, but not before Ben caught her arm, speaking rapidly.

"I'm on my way home," he whispered near her ear, his breath washed over her, giving her goosebumps. Ben slid his hand down to her hand and gently traced over her knuckles. Rey looked up at him. His face was dangerously close, their noses brushing together as she replied.

"Home?" He smiled in return to her curiosity, it was small but warmed Rey's heart regardless. Squeezing her hand, he answered.

"To you," he finished, before leaving her alone in the bustling main road of the base. Rey let out a breath and smiled bringing her hand up to feel her cheek. It was flushed with warmth, which brought a smile to her face. Shaking her head, she finally made it to Hanger A, where Poe immediately met her to explain all of their mechanical problems and what needed to be done.

"You sure you'll be fine on your own?" Poe asked carefully, mostly for her sake, since some of the tools were dangerous. Rey rolled her eyes and waved him off.

"If I can lift a pile of boulders, I can repair an X-Wing hyperdrive," she bantered before putting on a welding helmet. Poe grinned and winked at her.

"Attagirl! I'll be back in an hour to check up on you, until then, I gotta meet the General and debrief this next mission," he said whilst saluting her and sauntering off to see Leia. Rey started to work on the hyperdrive when suddenly, she lost her balance and fell to the floor, the helmet falling off in the process. Poe was just leaving so he rushed over to help her. He knelt down and before he could ask if she was okay, she grabbed his shoulder and leaned heavily on him.

"We need to get to the General's," she managed to say, before almost completely passing out. Poe caught her before she could hit the ground and lifted her up, helping her stand. Using Poe as support, they both ran as fast as the could to the General's office now. Rey leaned against the wall, feeing lightheaded while Poe kicked down Leia's door. It was what Rey feared: Leia was dying, and quickly. Poe's eyes widened in seeing the General lying on the floor and breathing shallowly.

"I'm calling the medical wing," he said with purpose, but Rey grabbed his hand before he could touch the intercom.

"Don't...there's nothing that can be done," she said solemnly now moving to kneel by the General. Poe ran his hands through his hair and cursed quietly before kneeling on the other side of Leia, who was half-conscious. She saw Poe and took his hand like a vice, speaking quickly.

"I'm making you my successor, Poe Dameron, you'll make a fine Resistance leader. You're a good man and you have my respect and love," she finished with a sharp coughing fit. Turning to Rey, she smiled and spoke her final words, "Ben will be taken as prisoner of war in exchange for what he knows. He will stay a prisoner until the First Order is destroyed. Take care of my son, Rey. He loves you more than he knows," she sighed, closing her eyes and finally giving into the Force.

The medical workers turned up soon, taking Leia to the morgue, pending the formal funeral in a few days. Poe sniffled as they finally left both of them alone in her old office and turned to Rey with a confused look. "Who's Ben?" He asked quietly, but Rey could barely hear him over the sound of Ben crying from across the galaxy. She mentally soothed him, sitting at the bay window, whispering sweet nothings into his mind and closing her eyes. Rey muttered her response to Poe.

"He's Leia's son. The former Supreme Leader of the First Order."

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Word count: 1141
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