"Another crackhead? Damn." Said one of the nursing assistants, Maya, she was a nice girl and what Armani referred to as a work friend.

"Right, I thought we stopped taking crackheads." Armani shook her head. "I don't know what the hell it is with them trying to get percs out of me, I'm not dumb."

"Girl all they want is drugs, muhfuckas don't even wanna be off the streets no more, they'll sucka dick for some percs and beg fa money to get some." Maya shook her head. "And what's worse is some of these drug dealers out hea selling some fake ass shit so they dying."

Armani shook her head. "That's crazy."

"Right, but how's the baby doing?" Maya asked observing Armani's belly. "He or she is getting big fast."

Armani smiled. "I know, he or she's been kicking like fuck though, I think he or she is excited." She rubbed her belly.

"Its ashamed that it'll be growing up in this fucked up world." Maya shook her head. "I fear for my daughter every day."

"As you rightfully should, these white people are fucking insane." Armani shook her head. "There was another shooting just last week."

"And I bet you there will be no justice,"

"Yup, I heard there's going to be a protest again." Armani said glancing at the time on her phone.

"As there should be, no justice no peace." Maya started.

"For these bullshitting, racist ass,bitch ass police." Armani finished.

"But girl i'll see you later, my lunch break start's just about now and Malik is waiting outside." Maya said. Malik was her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. "Congrats on the baby again."

Armani smiled. "Thank you baby, I have one more patient then I'm free to go home."

"Yes ma'am, make sure you stay active and healthy and be safe." Maya said.

"Oh I will be, and my baby will be too cause I'm gonna protect him or her from the world as long as I can." Armani said.

Maya smiled and said bye as she headed out the door.

Armani logged everything she had typed into a back up log and waited for her last patient to show up. The door opened and in came a little girl and her mother, the little girl had shots scheduled for the day, and judging by her face she was terrified.

"Come on mama, I promise you'll be okay." Armani urged as she sat the little girl down on the bed.

"You promise?" She asked looking up at her with her big brown eyes.

"Yes, while I get ready look at your mommy okay?" Armani said and the little girl turned her head towards her mom while she rubbed the pad on her arm and prepared the shot.

"Now on a count of 3 we're gonna sing the ABC's okay?"

"Okay." The little girl agreed

"1..." Armani took the cover off the shot. "2.... keep looking at mommy." The little girl turned back towards her mom. "3....A

"B, C, D— the little girl got took my surprise when Armani quickly gave her the shot and put the band aid on.

She didn't feel it for a little bit but when she did, she began to cry a little bit.

"You did it mama!" Her mother encouraged.

"I did it?" She asked looking up at Armani with tears in her eyes.

"You did!" Armani smiled.

"Say imma big girl!" Her mom said.

"Imma big girl!" The little girl smiled brightly as she wiped her tears.

"You wanna get down?" Armani asked and she nodded. Armani helped her down and the little girl took her by surprise giving her a hug. "She's such a sweet girl."

"Thank you for making it mostly relatively painless for her." Her mom smiled at her.

"No problem, be sure to ask Ms.Davis at the desk for a lollipop for being such a strong girl."

The little girl gasped and grabbed her moms hand. "Come on mommy come on!"

The little girl practically dragged her mother out the door but stopped so her mom could say thank you again. Armani typed into the log and did the back log and finally she was done.

She wiped down her office and logged off the computer before she took off her gloves, grabbed her bag, and headed out the door.

On the way home, she stopped at Chipotle and got her traditional bowl along with Nasir's and put them on the kitchen counter when she walked in. Her feet hurt and all she wanted to do was relax but the little human growing inside her didn't seem to want to let that happen.

"Hey baby." Nasir greeted her with a kiss. "You tired?"

Armani yawned and nodded her head. "I just wanna relax, I been on my feet all day and lord knows I wanna eat, I bought ya Chipotle on the way back."

"You go sit down baby and I'll run a bath so you could relax." He said. "Ionno why you still working while you gotta baby growing in you, I told you I'd take care of us."

Armani shrugged. "You know I like working for my stuff Nas."

Nasir did know so he didn't argue. "I gotchu ma, now go sit down while I run the bath."

She nodded her head and went to their closet and got out of her light pink scrubs. She placed her crocs back where they were and soon the bath was ready. Nasir had ran a warm bath for her filled with bubbles with lavender candles lit for her to relax. He had soft R&B playing in the background and planted another kiss on her lips before she got in.

Armani sighed as she relaxed in the tub and washed herself clean of the day's grime. She rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes as she rubbed her belly.

"I can't wait to meet you mamas baby." She cooed.

She stayed in the tub for almost 30 minutes before she stood up and wrapped her red towel around herself and stepped out onto the bathroom's grey mat.

She rubbed lotion all over her body and then got dressed in a over sized Tupac shirt and red socks— with the baby cane extra weight and bigger boobs which Armani felt somewhat insecure about. She made her way downstairs to eat her food. She took her spot beside Nasir and the two are together while they watched a movie.

Movies were their common thing especially since Armani was pregnant and Nasir didn't want her feet to hurt. Her entire pregnancy since the day they found out, he had completely adored her and washed away every insecurity with his heart felt words and patience.

Nasir and Armani went back to their room after watching 7-8 movies and went to sleep cuddling up as they done for the past 3 years.

Armani smiled as sleep took over her body and she felt Nasir pull her closer to him. With him, she felt absolutely secure in his arms, she felt protected, loved, appreciated, admired, adored and beautiful. He always made her feel beautiful even on the days she felt ugly. And for that, she knew she'd always love him with every ounce of her being.



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