He (Attempts) To Cook For You

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"Welcome home [name]!"  Mattias said as soon as you walked through the door.

"Oh?  What's up?"  You asked, closing the door behind you.

"I got a surprise for you~"  He said, making you raise your eyebrow.

"A surprise?"

"Yep, but you gotta follow me~"  He said.  You shrugged your shoulders.

'Why not?'

Mattias led you to the dining room where you saw the table covered in covered dishes, like those you see in a restaurant.

"Mattias?  You didn't..."

"Oh yes I did!"  He said proudly, sitting you down at the table.  He quickly poured you a beer.

"My goodness, what did you make?"  You asked looking curiously at all the covered plates before as Mattias grinned.

"I didn't make anything yet~"

"Yet?"  You questioned.  At that moment Mattias lifted the cover off the plate in front of you, revealing-

"... A lego set?"  You asked aloud.  It seemed to be one for a wedding cake.

"Totally!"  Mattias said, heading to his seat and revealing a turkey dinner lego set.


"You work on the cake, and I'll work on the turkey dinner!"  He said, sounding excited.

"So, let me get this straight, all these plates have food themed lego sets on them?"  You asked.

"Yep!"  Mattias said.  "I figured this would be awesome to do to-"

He was cut off by the sounds of both your stomachs growling.

"..."  Mattias looked down before looking back at the lego set in front of him.

"... *sigh* I guess I'll order pizza for us tonight..."  You mumbled, making Mattias cheerful again as he started the lego set.

'And here I thought he actually made dinner for us,'  You thought with a sigh as you took out your phone.

'Oh well, a person can dream,'  You thought to yourself as you started calling the pizza place.


You closed the book and put it down, stretching your arms a bit.

"Man that was a good book,"  You said.  You glanced at the clock and noticed it was close to dinner time.

'Shoot, I lost track of time.  I better go and get started on dinner,'  You thought to yourself, getting up from your seat.  You walked into the kitchen and paused at what was before you;

Flour was all over the floor, some of the cabinets, parts of the counter, and, of course, all over a sniffling Tino.  Tino was standing in the center of the kitchen in near tears as two happy, flour-covered puppies rolled around on the ground.

"... What happened?"  You asked, honestly wondering how the room became a war zone.


"Deep breaths Tino,"  You said from the doorway.

"I-I was trying to cook a-and we needed f-flour so I g-got some from t-the pantry."

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