You Turn Into A Werewolf

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A/N:  This will be told from his view, enjoy~


"I've found it!  I found it!"  England cried.  "I've found the cure for vampirism!"

Upon hearing this, the other nations quickly went and got the potion, giving it to those who were affected.

~20 minutes later~

"Mon Dieu!  Zhis just made zhings worse!"  France yelled.

"England..."  Norway said in an ominous voice, breaking through the angry mob of nations.  "I am going to make this potion and neither you nor Romania are to help."

The other nations agreed and placed all their hopes Norway.

So, while waiting for the cure to be made, how will the boys deal with a werewolf on the loose?


"[name]!  Elsker!  Your King has something he wants to show his Queen!"  I yelled as I banged on her front door.  I think I faintly heard a groan, but who groans when the King of Scandinavia comes knocking on their door? [*cough*Most of the Nordics*cough*].

Anyway, eventually she opened the door but she looked kinda green, like she was going to be sick.

"Elsker, are you sick or something?"  I asked.  She groaned and just motioned me inside.

"Anyway, forget about being sick, take a whiff of my new cologne."  I said, hugging her tight.  "I got it from Alfred who says it is supposed to-"  I was cut off when I noticed that elsker had sorta passed out in my arms.

"Wah!  What should I do?"  I yelled.  I then called Norway who came and then began choking me.

"You stupid Dane.  Her nose is now sensitive and you wearing cologne made her sick and she passed out."  He said.  He eventually let me go and walked out of the room as I tried to regain my breath, only to have a bucket of soapy water dumped on me.


"This will get rid of that scent.  Now go take care of your girlfriend stupid Dane."  Norway said, setting the bucket down and leaving.  I shivered and quickly grabbed a couple of towels and blankets for me and [name].

'Did Norway really have to dump that water on my head?'  I thought to myself as I dried off.


"Mmm!  You're the best cook ever Tino!"  [name] said as she happily ate the steak I had made for her.  I giggled and took my apron off, bringing the newest plate of steak with mashed potatoes over to [name].

"No problem rakas!"  I chirped.  "I remember how much I craved meat while being a werewolf too."  I said, sheepishly smiling as I placed the plate down in front of her.

"Thanks Tino, that makes me feel better."  She said.  She then smiled mischievously and beckoned me closer.  I sat down, wondering what she was going to do when she leaned forward and licked my cheek, making me blush like crazy.

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