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A/N:  Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are!  College for me has gone online, but I'm still busy.  Still though, I decided to do this chapter on the virus and quarantine to hopefully brighten everyone's day/serve as a PSA.

Enjoy and remember to wash your hands afterwards~!


You placed the last plate down on the table, giving yourself a pat on the back for making such a great dinner with all the free time you had.

'Better go get Mattias,'  You thought to yourself.  You wandered off into the house, arriving at Mattias's man-cave, opening the door.

"Mattias, din-"  You stopped yourself when you saw what was before you;

Lego.  Lego sets as far as the eye could see.

"Mattias?  What's going on?"  You asked, looking around.  At this, Mattias's head popped out from behind a Lego castle.

"Since I'm stuck at home, I'm totally going to take advantage of this to play with all my lego sets!"  He declared with a grin on his face.

"... How many do you have?"

"Like tons.  I got pretty much every single one!"  He said.

"... Are you sure you can do them all...?"  You asked, sounding unsure.  Mattias waved you all.

"I'm just going to do as many as I can."  He said, making you feel better.

"Well, I wish you luck then.  Please hurry up as dinner's ready."  You said, getting a laugh from him.

"Will do!"

'Well, at least he isn't like those people who are just drinking through the quarantine,'  You thought to yourself as you closed the door, unfortunately a bit too hard.

"Waahh!  Lego avalanche!"  Mattias yelled from the other side of the door as you heard the sound of thousands of lego pieces hitting the ground.

"Ack!  Mattias!"  You yelled, opening the door, or at least trying.  It appeared that legos were blocking the door from the other side.

"I can't open the door!"  You yelled.  You heard Mattias splutter from the other side.

'Is this how the entire quarantine's going to be?!  Lego avalanches?!'  You thought, still trying to open the door to rescue Mattias.



You took out a bowl and measuring cups.


You took out milk and eggs, along with flour and sugar.


"... Tino, stop sighing by the window."  You said, looking at Tino from across the kitchen where he sat staring forlornly out the window.

"But [name], I'm bored."  He whined.  Now it was your turn to sigh.

"Tino, I know quarantine is boring, but you should still try to do something rather than staring out the window."  You said.

Boyfriend Scenarios: Hetalia NordicsWhere stories live. Discover now