Everyone took a shine to Austin, not that I was surprised. He was one of those people that you'd love to hate, but just couldn't quite manage it. The exact kind of guy parents would like their kid to bring home.

When dinner finished up, Austin's phone beeped and with an apologetic glance to us at the table, he checked it.

"Dinner was utterly fabulous, thank you. But I'm afraid I'm being summoned. Something about a salsa dance class..." he shook his head, brushing it off as though being summoned for a salsa class was a regular thing. After Austin said his goodbyes, I got up and walked him to the door.

"Thanks for staying," I said quietly, so that no one would hear. He gave me a wholehearted smile.

"Thank you for letting me."

He made a motion towards me and I instinctively, taking a step back. Alice hugging me had been enough.

He nodded, a small, sad smile playing on his lips. "I getcha."

Without another word he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out the door, me closing it behind him. I let out a deep sigh and lean back up against the door. After a few moments, I pushed myself off the door and slowly made my way back into the kitchen.

Everyone else has scattered, only Alex remaining by the sink.

"Isn't that a little unfair?" I asked, leaning my hip against the counter.

"Is what?" Alex responded, turning around to regard me.

"You cooked and now you clean?" I lifted my eyes to match his gaze. Alex blinks a few times before responding.

"Violet does be tired and I find it therapeutic."

I huffed. Of course.

"You of all people would find cooking and cleaning up after people therapeutic."

"If you think it's so insane, what don't you give it a try for yourself a see?" There was a hint of a challenging tone to his voice. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What's in it for me?"

Alex tilted his head to the side, considering some kind of prize for me.

"If you help me, I'll show you something you will undoubtedly love."

"Such as?"

He gave me a wry grin, "only one way to find out."

So, I helped him clean. Curiosity got the best of me. Alex hardly knew me enough to know what I would undoubtedly love. But I did it anyway, because why not? It was hardly fair that Alex had to tidy up by himself anyway.

After everything is spick and span, Alex grabbed a large bowl, put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and grabs two cans of soda.

"Bring these to the sitting room, would you?" he politely requested, handing me the cans. My brows raised, but I didn't question it. Only moments after I had made myself comfortable on the couch, the microwave dings and Alex sat down beside me brandishing a bowl of popcorn with a flourish.

"This better not be a romcom," I groaned, cracking open the can.

"You'll see."

With that he placed a disc out of a box into the DVD player and turned on the TV. He settled down beside me and bust open his own can.

And what can I say? I undoubtedly loved it.

Five episodes into the series and I'm half asleep. I can barely keep my eyes open to watch the adventure unfold in front of me. How Alex knew I would fall in love with this is beyond me.

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