"Clint, c-" I started but he cut me off.

"If you're about to ask me to help the answer is no. You don't have to leave!" He protested.

"Fine, Steve will you help me take all of this down to the garage please?" I asked.

Clint looked hurt and Steve looked conflicted but his conscience won and he helped me, what sort of gentleman would refuse to help a woman? Obviously a stubborn one like Clint.

"I'm going to the farm and taking the puppies with me, you can't say anything to change my mind and I'll see you all soon!" I said as the elevator doors closed, not giving the others chance to protest.

"Are you seriously doing this?" Steve asked as we stepped out in the garage.

"Yeah, it'll be good for me to get away for a while and I need to paint the twins' nursery anyway. Plus, Clint is lying to me about something and I can't quite figure out what it is so maybe having this time away from me might make him decide to tell me the truth. I can't ask him because he will just deny it or it'll cause an argument." I said just as the elevator doors opened again and Bruce, Nat and Pepper stepped out.

"We know we can't say anything to make you change your mind so we just wanted to come and say bye." Bruce said with a small smile.

"You make it sound like I'm leaving for good, I'm only going to settle the puppies in at the farm and paint the twins' nursery, I'll be back in like a week. Uh... where's Clint?" I asked quietly.

"He stormed off to his room as soon as the elevator doors closed and you came down here." Nat said with a frown.

"Right, well could someone tell him I said I'll be back soon and that I love him?" I asked and Nat nodded.

Steve helped me strap the pet carriers into one of Tony's cars; if he was making me get them out of the tower then I was going to steal one of his cars. I said goodbye, well see you soon, to the others before climbing into the car and I was about to set off when I decided to text Clint; 'Hey, I know you're mad so I don't expect a reply because you're a stubborn little shit but I'll be back soon I promise. I love you, forever and always.' I quickly pressed send before setting off for the farm.

"We're going on a little trip boys, but you're going to love it where we're going!" I said, probably sounding crazy as I spoke to the puppies but I didn't care.

We finally reached the farm at 6pm, I made a few stops to feed them and give them some water which is why the journey ended up being like 7 hours long rather than 5 hours. In those 7 hours Clint still hadn't replied which I knew would happen because he's too stubborn for his own good but he'd probably reply tomorrow before he goes off to his mission. He leaves at 6pm tomorrow evening so I made a mental note to text him just before then to make sure he gets it before he sets off. I took the bags and Diesel's carrier inside first before grabbing Tucker and Murphy's carriers and taking them into the house, I made sure the door was shut before I let them all out. I set up their beds in the living room and put their food and water bowls out on the kitchen floor in the corner, this place was perfect for them and I just knew they would love it.

"Right boys, I think it's time for bed." I said as I yawned.

I pulled the living room door almost shut but left it open a crack as they were all already asleep in their little beds, and I made my way up to my room. I didn't bother getting changed and I just dropped down onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly and even in my sleep I couldn't shake Clint from my head as he filled my dreams. The next morning I was woken by something licking my face and I opened my eyes to see Tucker on my chest with Diesel and Murphy laid either side of me.

"Let's go get you guys some food shall we?" I said as I climbed out of bed.

I filled their bowls in the kitchen and they ate whilst I sat at the table and ate a bowl of cereal, then I took them out into the fields and they loved it; chasing each other around and yapping at one another. I sent Chloe a text to tell her I was at the farm and she replied in seconds saying she would be over in 10 minutes, I couldn't wait to see her even though it had only been a couple of days since I had seen her.

"What are you doing back so soon?" She asked me as she walked up to the porch where I was waiting for her.

"I have a surprise for you in here." I said as I reached out and opened the front door.

All 3 puppies came running out and jumped on Chloe, Diesel reached her first and Murphy and Tucker followed after him with their little legs.

"Oh my god!" Chloe squealed as she crouched down and played with them.

"Aren't they the cutest?" I said happily.

After a few minutes of her fussing over the puppies, we made our way into the house and took a seat on the couch after I got us both a drink each.

"So where's Clint?" She asked.

I let out a sad sigh before explaining everything to her, from us buying the puppies to Tony telling me they couldn't stay and my decision to leave after Clint lied to me.

"I'm sure he has his reasons, Clint wouldn't lie without a reason behind it but if you're that bothered just ask him." She suggested.

I nodded but I knew I wouldn't because he would probably just lie again, I shook the thought from my head and changed the subject rather quickly. Chloe stayed for the whole day and left at 5:30pm so that she could feed the animals and put them away, we said our goodbyes and once again I was left by myself. At 5:55pm I sent Clint another text message as he hadn't replied to my last one; 'Hey, I just wanted to wish you good luck although I know you don't really need it. Please let me know you're safe, I love you.' I pressed send and left it at that, praying he would reply.

*9 days passed*

It's been 10 days since I left the tower and Clint still hasn't replied to any of the texts I sent him and he won't answer his phone either, I know he can be stubborn but damn the man can hold a grudge too. I painted the twins' nursery and Chloe came over to put up all of their furniture as I couldn't get hold of Clint to get him to come do it. This is all getting out of hand with him though so I made a decision, I just hoped Chloe was willing to help me.

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