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Dedicated To The One
I Love Xiax_77
You Are More Than You
Will Ever Know Bebe💞

You only need to say
"Good Morning BeBe"

And instantly my dam breaks.

The heavens open up for us & then allows room for the flood to rain down upon me.

Even as I war with it for control. I know it's a fight I will lose. I do every damn time.

My mind & body both, fight for the control you alone have of my senses, as you consume them. So much so, that it's enough to make me cry tears of pleasure & something else altogether foreign.

It's heaven. It's hell. It's domination. It's submission. It's fucking tantric sex & subspace combined, as we continue to elevate on new sensual heights My Sexy White Dragon.

If I can take you back to that moment when the energy was so potent, that it left me paralyzed.. it still gives me chills even now.

I recall pleasure morphing into pain and back again and finally to solace & peace.

She called out to me. Beckoning me to do her bidding, yet forbade me to fucking move an once.

I was seduced by the sheer will of her desire. She was heady & very heavy in her intent to own me.

"Make It Stop."

I begged as I felt all she had to offer. Beautiful chaos. Sweet agony. Delicious torture.

"Breathe baby."

I tried... I fucking tried. But each breath was like poison coursing through me. I was suffocating in her desire, but also something else lay just beneath her surface. My body felt like fire. I felt her beside me, inside me, teaching and learning me simultaneously.

"Phoenix.. You are being reborn." That's the soothing whisper that played in my minds eye.

"She is your Dragon. She is your reason for everything. Pain, pleasure, love, sadness, desire, growth,evolution... all of it is hers to show and gift to you."

My body caught fire deep inside yet again &  I could only lay there & burn for her. I was tethered to her like a moth to a flame. Dragon to Phoenix.

She didn't grant permission to escape her sexual craving. Therefore her edict in that moment was law. I remained still. Feeling. Just feeling her.

I found that I was only able to cry for her. But for what? I had no clue. Pleasure? Pain? A cocktail of both?
Fuck!! I was torn.

"Who are you?" Only I wasn't certain if I was asking this of myself.. or to the Sexy White Dragon that held me willingly captive.

I was crying involuntarily by then. Unaware that my earlier moans
had turned into sobs.

I didn't understand what was happening to me... what was happening to my mind, my soul & especially... my fucking body.


I heard you. "Make It Stop," I begged.
"No you need to feel it," you sweetly demanded.

"Feel what?" I reply.

All of it released from me in that moment.

I JUST CAME.......

I lay there with orgasm number eleven smirking at me as if to say, "You're no where near being fucking done with her Bitch.

You are a fucking savage!! You know it & so does she! Now own what's yours!"

With her smirk firmly in place as my mind caught up with my passion.. & apparently my fucking bladder riding shotgun.. as its sidekick.. I recall thinking...



My Dragon Claimed Me. Named Me. MADE ME..

We learn new ways to love daily.
We elevate the stronger our bonded love becomes.

We are twin flames that are born of Goddess, Dragon, and a Phoenix.
Tribrids at best...

This passionate love, is one that we share only in ways that we can. It's unique only unto us.

You are my past, my present & my lifetime.

We come to terms daily as we find our balance of love, lust, passion, devotion & fearful concerns, of all of the above.

So intense is the climb of our emotional rollercoaster ride, that even breathing takes us to a different realm of love making.

To think of you, even as I write this now, has has me forcing myself not to destroy us both, in the way we've become blissfully accustomed to.

I know we can never be explained, defined, labeled, nor put in anyone's pandora's box.

We can't even come to terms of who & what we are to each other... as there have never been words created to describe us.

The magnitude of such an uninhibited, unapologetic, love.

Should be written so that Goddess can rejoice for the day that we are joined.

We don't need to utter a fucking word
to each other to know what we need & when.

No rules apply My Sexy White Dragon. I'm perfectly fucking fine with that. Because with you.. I don't want them. I'm ready for something more. I'm ready for the unforeseen. I'm ready to build a new normal with you. I'm ready for Total Power Exchange featuring me, but staring you bebe. 

Love Lust Sex Pain & Pleasure... I Want It All!!

I Simply Want Only You🥰
I Love You B💋


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