“Who said it was Luke?” I turn my head around to look at him. I look back to where I set the towels and see Luke running my way.

            “Brian, put me the fuck down.” I start to wriggle but his grip just tightens on me. “Put me down, I’m not joking.”

            “So I heard your father was in Vegas for the night. Can you imagine what I could do with you while he’s gone.” He says in low voice.

            “Brian, put her down, or I swear to God I will drown you till you die.” Luke says walking closer to him. “Let go of my fiancé.”

            “Oh, you guys are engaged now?” Brian says, his hand going to my butt and I start to wriggle around again.

            “Yes, and if you don’t put her down right now, I’ll have you beaten to death, so you better put her down.” He says pointing behind him. “Or, those guys over there, including her body guards,” he says pointing to the two men walking towards him, “will have to deal with you.”

            “I’m not scared.” He says walking farther away. “I had her first.” He says.

            “But she doesn’t want you, she chose me over you.” Luke says getting closer. I notice Mike and Brad getting closer to us as well.

            “Please just put me down.” I cry out. “I don’t want you Brian, you’re an asshole, the biggest asshole on the face of earth, go bother someone else. I’m sick and tired of you following me making my life a living hell. Just leave me alone and never come back. Go back to New York and do who ever you want. I don’t care anymore.” I say just as Brad gets up to me. He takes me out of Brian’s grip and hands me over to Luke. I look at Brad and he’s dragging Brian out of the water with him. I hug Luke closer to me.

            “Its okay baby, you’re with me now. You don’t need to be scared anymore.” He says to me. We get to shore and he takes me and wraps me up in my towel. I look to Brad and see him holding Brian to the ground about to punch him.

            “Why does he do this to me?” I whisper cry to myself.

            “He’s a dick, that’s why. You’re perfect baby, perfect in anyway possible, who wouldn’t want a girl like you?” He answers even though I was talking to myself. “Do you want to go home?” Luke asks standing up and taking my hand.

            “No, let’s just wait until he’s gone, I’m not going to have him ruin my night. It’s my last night before I graduate high school, I’m not going to spend it at home.” I say and he smiles.

            “I’m proud of you Brittany.” He says pecking me on the lips. We walk hand in hand, to where everyone is dancing. He spins me in circle and kisses me on the cheek. I just laugh along with him. I notice paparazzi in the back by the parking lot but you know what, I’m not going to pay them any attention. I’m just going to have fun today. I grab Luke by the face and kiss him on the lips. He smiles against my lips and I laugh and grab his hand and run towards the water.

            He picks me up, throws me into the water, and dives under a wave after me. I swim farther away from him. He grabs me from the waist and carries me out of the water and towards our friends. I start to crack up into his chest since he’s carrying me bridal style. He puts me down on my towel, I wrap myself up against it and he sits behind me. We start to talk about graduation and where we’re going for college. Luke grabs me, puts me in his lap, and puts his head on my shoulder. “Turns out I’m going to be a house wife.” I say with a smile on my face.

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