And so it begins...

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Kimmie's POV.

As we slowly pull up to the cabins all five boys come running up to Paul. "Paul! Paul! Niall ate all of the food in our cabin already!" Zayn whined."I didn't eat all of it! Lou ate the carrots!" Niall says defending himself. " And they were delicious!" Louis yells. "now we don't have any food tho-" Liam tries to say but is interupted by Paul "enough! I'll get you more food. You guys are being very rude. There are three lovely ladies in this golf cart and you didn't even acknowledge their existance." "Sorry Paul..." They mumble. "It's ok boys why don't I introduce you to your new neighbors?" Paul suggests "boys this is Lena, Kimmie, and Brooke. Girls this is Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn." "Nice to meet you." I say along with the girls. "Pleasure's all mine." Harry says kissing my hand causing me to blush as he gives me his signature grin and moves on to say hello to the others. After Harry, Niall introduces himself, then Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Once the boys have said hello to the others and we've taken our bags inside Harry asks "you guys want to play some soccer?" "Yeah!" Lena says. "Ok cool I'll go get the ball." Zayn says running off. When he gets back we split into teams.

Team one includes: Brooke, Lena, Niall, and I. On the other team is: Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis.

(Two hours later) Lena's POV.

"Heck to the yes!!" I scream as I score the winning goal. "Cheater!!" Zayn says running up and tackling me. "I am not a cheater! Now get off!" I yell laughing. "Fine, but you totally cheated" Zayn replies. "How do you figure?" I ask. "Magic carpet it's gotta be!" Liam says cracking an old joke. "Do you see a magic carpet anywhere around here?" I ask. "Of course not silly! It's invisible. Duh!" Louis says. "Oh right! How could I forget that I have an invisible magic carpet?" I say sarcastically. "I don't know!" Louis says faking exasperation. "What do you want to do now?" Niall asks breaking up the funny argument. "We could... Wrestle!'' Liam says picking up Brooke and hanging her upside down over his shoulder. "I don't like this game.'' She states as Liam sets her safely back on the ground. "Okay. Any other suggestions that don't involve Brooke being upside down?" Niall asks laughing. "Let's play life!" Liam says running in and grabbing the game. "Sounds good." I say taking it from him and setting it up.

(3 hours later) Brooke's POV.

By the end of the game I was pretty pleased with my life, I had three kids, a bunch of money, perfect job, and I retired in millionaire estates. I really enjoyed hanging out with these boys. "Sooo who won?" Louis asks Zayn who's tallying everything up.after a few minutes he says "no one" real fast. "What do you mean? How could nobody win?" Liam asked. "Well um-" Zayn starts to say. "You're such a liar." Lena says with a triumphant smile on her face. "I don't know what you're talking about." Zayn says teasingly. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! Guys the winner is... Me!" Lena says. "Shhhh. It's a secret!" Zayn says putting his finger to his lips. "Why?" Lena says laughing. "Because you're not supposed to win. I am!" Zayn replies. "Not when I'm around...obviously." Lena says. Just as Zayn is about to continue Paul walks up and says "c'mon guys time to go to dinner." "FOOD!!!" Niall yells taking off down the path. We all laugh at his excitement and follow.

(At the bonfire) Kimmie's POV.

"Hey babe." Harry says sitting next to me with his food. "Hey" I reply smiling. "So do you and the girls wanna come hang out again after dinner?" He asks. "Yeah definitely." I say.

"Hey guys! Just want to let you know to be here by nine tomorrow morning." Sandy says.

(30 minutes later.) we're all sitting on a blanket outside of the boys cabin just talking.

"Lets play a game!" Zayn suddenly says. "Let's play truth or dare!" Harry suggests excitedly. Everyone quickly agrees. The game starts out pretty innocent and stays that way for about 15 minutes, until it's Lou's turn.

"Kimmie truth or dare?" He asks. "I'm feeling a little crazy soooo I'm gonna go with dare." I say.

Louis gets an evil grin on his face and says "I dare you to go swimming in the lake wearing nothing but your undergarments... With the boy of your choice." "What! No!" I yell. "You have to! You chose dare! Now pick!" Louis says grinning. " pick..."

Harry's POV

I see her struggling to pick and start to feel bad. I suggested this game and now she's in an awkward situation. "I'll go." I say. She looks at me relief showing on her face for not having to pick. I help her up and we start walking to the lake.

Kimmie's POV.

I'm going swimming with Harry styles. Good thing it's dark. He won't be able to see much.

We reach the lake and Harry quickly takes off his shirt and pants. Leaving him in only his boxers. I slowly remove my tanktop. I watch as Harry heads to the water. I take off my shorts and follow him.

Once in the water I lower myself so only my head is sticking out of the water. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing. Just a little uncomfortable." I reply. "Don't be uncomfortable" he says making me stand up. "You're beautiful." Harry says taking my hand and walking deeper into the water.

After about five minutes of just standing there I ask "how long do we have to stay out here?" "We can probably go back soon." He says taking a step closer to me. "Okay." I say. Before I realize what's happening Harry's lips crash onto mine. I instantly feel a tingling sensation spreading all the way to my toes. After about a minute we pull away and start to head back.

Lena's POV.

"Can I talk to you?" Zayn whispers. "Yeah" I says standing up and following him behind the cabin. Suddenly he spins around and quickly places a kiss on my lips. I give him a confused look as he pulls away. "Sorry..." He mumbles. "It's ok." I say, a small smile appears on his lips before I continue. "But it's too soon. I just met you today, and as of right now I want nothing more than friendship." His smile fades "so you don't like all?'' He asks sadly. "I like you but, I want to get to know you better before we become anything more than friends." I say. "Okay friends it is then. Let me know when you wanna be more than that" he says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he walks back to the group.

Brooke's POV.

"Liam nooooo!" I yell as he picks me up and runs toward the lake.

Harry and Kimmie had returned right before Zayn and Lena, and now Niall dared Liam to throw me in the lake.

"Liam put me down!" I yell at him again. "Sorry love can't do that a dare's a dare!" He says speeding up.

"Lia-" I'm cut off as I'm dropped from the dock into the cold water. "Liam. James. Payne. You're. Dead." I say. "Uh oh" Liam says right as I grab his legs pulling him in after me. "Now you're gonna get it!" He yells. "You can't get awa-" he's cut off by me splashing a huge wave of water in his face. The look of surprise on his face makes me starts laughing uncontrollably. "You think that's funny?" He asks. I nod my head and continue laughing. "Well then this will be hilarious!" He says splashing me repeatedly. "Stop! Stop! I'm sorry!" I say laughing "good" he says leaning towards me. Just as our lips are about to touch he gets a worried expression on his face and pulls back. He looks at me as if asking for permission "oh just kiss me already!" I say and he slams his lips onto mine. I feel sparks. A tingly feeling spreads throughout my body as we kiss. Our lips fit together as if it was meant to be. This kiss right here is perfect. I know we just met but I couldn't imagine anyone I would rather be kissing right now.

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