Chapter 2 - Get Up. Get Out There.

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"What do you mean by in due time? And what will I know? Why are you so ominous?"

Look, in due time, because I don't know in how much time. And I don't know what you'll know, it could be all of the knowledge of the story or only partial knowledge. Hell, it could even be all the knowledge in the world if the Reader's wanted that. But I don't know what they want right now, I have to wait. And what do you mean ominous?

"Okay, you have to admit the "in due time" was kinda weird."

...In retrospect, yes, BUT NOT RIGHT NOW, NOT EVER will we deal with that.

"And also who are those fucking readers?"

Those "fucking readers" are the people that control your fate right now, so I wouldn't disrespect them.

"Disrespect them? I don't even know who or even what these things are?! Are they the ones that brought me here?"

In due time, Parker.

"And when will that time be due, uh... what even is your name?"


"...I'll just call you something else so that this is less confusing. What does that name even mean?"

I don't know, they won't tell me.

"Huh... I guess I'll call you... Emmett."

...what a stupid name.

"Hey, I could've named you fucking Jeoph or Bartholomewl or Deighmeon, be appreciative."

Jesus, you monster. I'm sorry.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Alright... so, want to get back on track so we can get through this?

"Alright, fine."

Thank you. Let me find my place.

...letting the days go by, let the water hold me down... letting the days go by... water flowing undergrou—
Ah, here we are!
Ah hum.

Where could have her housemates gone? That's all what was on Parker's mind.

They had always been around in the morning so they could say good morning to each other and make sure each of them were alive. But now... nothing.

Now that she thinks about it, almost everything is completely silent. No noises from in or out. How odd.

She decided to walk to the kitchen and just make some quick toast. She went to the plain ol' fridge and grabbed two slices of her favorite sourdough. She quickly slid them into the toaster and spun the dials for the perfect slices of toast.

Then, she decided to look out the window in her kitchen that looked out onto the street and saw... no one...

She quietly said to herself,


She quietly said to herself,

Ah hum, she quietly said to herself,

"What am I even supposed to say, Emmett?"

Oh, just think about it for a second.

"How is that supposed to hel-"

Just think about it.

"Jeez alright..."

"W-woah... t-this feels strange... is my ear ringing? Oh, uh, alright, I've got it."

Alright, good.

She quietly said to herself, "Where is everybody?"

There you go.

"Yeah but that felt... strange."

Don't think about it, it's fine.

"U-uh... are you sure...? That felt like super w-weir-"

It's fine, Parker.


Okay, let's get back on track.

Ah hum.

The toast finished with a satisfying ding which pulled Parker out of her trance. She thought maybe everyone has already gone for work and school and all of that.

She got a plate and butter knife, along with the butter from her fridge. She grabbed the toast from the toaster and slathered the butter all over the slices of toast.

She put everything away and started eating. As she was eating, her mind went back to the empty street.

There has to be someone, right? What about Ms. Lee? She's an old woman, she doesn't have anything to do other than be home and exercise. She even has her groceries delivered to her. She's gotta be home at least.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when bit her cheek—

"Ow fuck!"


"I actually bit my cheek what the fuck? How did that happen?"

Probably just a coincidence.

"Are you sure? Because it happened as soon as you said that I did it."

Yes, Parker, you need to calm yourself. You're super paranoid.

"You know what?! Don't tell me to calm! You're acting like I've been here for my whole life when I literally just popped into here out of no where! I have no idea what's happening here! You're barely even telling me anything and these fucking Readers that you're talking about are barely even saying anything at all. Hell, there's barely even a hint of who or even what the heck they are! You're acting like I'm frickin' overreacting to everything when I would say that this is a pretty appropriate reaction to, oh I don't know, FUCKING WAKING UP IN A RANDOM ASS ROOM WITH A FUCKING VOICE IN YOUR HEAD TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO FEEL LIKE THIS IS SOME TWISTED FUCKING STORY AND LIKE THIS IS SOMEHOW ENTERTAINING SOME SUPER TWISTED PEOPLE THAT I GUESS LOVE TO SEE SOME WEIRD FISH OUT OF WATER, MAYBE CHARACTER SUFFERING STORY WHEN I'M NOT EVEN A FUCKING CHARACTER IN A STORY. I. AM. A. PERSON. EMMETT."

You know what, you better listen here, Parker.  You are a character for right now so just do what you are told to and you'll make it through here, okay?!  So, why don't you wake up, get up, and get the hell out there, huh, Parker?! And you know what, I'm your only hope of getting out of here so I can tell you to calm down because if you don't, you are going to die, Parker. You hear me?! DIE! That's how badly you need to listen to me! Without me, you will DIE here, Parker. This isn't some happy go lucky situation, this is LIFE OR DEATH. This is SERIOUS. So I have no idea why at every turn you just want to REBEL against me! Sure, this is a weird situation and you hate being a fish out of water, but, you won't live long as a fish out of water, so get in the god damn fish bowl and do what you're supposed to!

Now... are you ready to wake up, and smell the roses, Parker? Or are you just going to sit there, and rot like a god damn rose?

"...I guess."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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