Kiyotaka's Fault

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A/n: Chapter 3 my dudes!


Class was fun, or at least it was it in some sort of way entertaining to me, of course I also enjoyed the fact that there wasn't a single second where a girl wasn't starring at me like I was an extravagant steak with ice cold water during a heatwave in a desert as they starved to death that is, of course

I was pretty sure that if the boys and the teacher weren't there during the class, the girls would've attempted something more than just starring

Of course as my popularity rose with the girls, it slowly dipped with the boys in hatred due to my fame

Bar some of the students who didn't care, Kiyotaka, Hirata, Ken, and surprisingly Koenji who actually gave me a thumbs up in approval of my body

Totally not weird.

We also did a swimming race, due to the teacher's assignment, it was a rather simple 50 meter freestyle swim, genders were separate into two groups and whoever got number one in the group would gain 5,000 points

Which ended in me somehow only getting more popular at my shocking freestyle 50 meter swim time

That number being 21 seconds, something that shocked the teacher speechless and the girls onto a mess of squeals

{For reference, the world record for a 50 meter swimming freestyle is 20.91, or at least that's what google told me}

The rest of the class time was spent on this fact or more swimming, I sat out which gave me the time to rest

"That's interesting" The familiar sharp voice of Horikita said as I turned to see her standing there with the familiar judgmental look

"What is?" I said I tilted my head in confusion

"You're rather... fit, for someone who's been homeschooled" Horikita said rather suspiciously but she couldn't hide the small blush on her cheeks

I looked at her properly and I could definitely say I wasn't disappointed in the slightest

Her figure was wrapped around tightly by the school swimsuit that left her long beautiful legs to the naked eye to see see and from her fidgeting from behind, it seemed a bit to tight for her butt

I reluctantly averted my eyes from her body

Out of all the girls, I could say with confidence that Horikita most likely had the most toned body out of them all

"Meh, I do some pushups here and there" I answered her question with a small smirk, I see that she was about to retort my response only to get cut off

"Come on Y/n!"

"Yeah, come on!

"Join us Y/n!"

Horikita looked a bit irked as the girls called for me, I chuckled as I stood up but didn't enter the pool yet

"I hope you learn to enjoy the privileges that you are given, even if just a little" I said with a earnest smile as I headed to the pool

As I entered the pool, I could feel Horikita's eyes on me, observing me with suspicion, something that caused me to inwardly grin


After a rather annoying period of time after swim class where Hirata talked to both Kiyotaka and I about Horikita's social life, we headed to our dorms

"We're not going to do anything, are we" Kiyotaka said with immense boredom as he walked alongside me

"Nope. Hey isn't that-" I began as I looked to see it was Kushida leaning against the wall, as if waiting for someone

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