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A/n: Yo it's me, before we get this started I would like to say this will somewhat follow in line with the light novel, somewhat or fully

A/n: Updates will be... eh, one in two weeks? Maybe one in a week, I have no idea

Disclaimer: I own nothing, not the picture, not the anime, not the characters, and not the artwork

Warning: profanities, humiliation, insanity, manipulation, psychological torture, and much much more

Oh and {Definite} lemons in the future


If I can borrow your time for a bit, no no, please if only you can give me a spare of your moment to answer my insignificant inquiry, I would love it if you can answer truthfully

You will? Good, here's my question, now listen closely

Do morals exist?

Before you answer, let me give you a small problem that I would like you to solve, then I'd like you to give me your opinion on the controversial matter

Say you were in a hostage situation of three people, you being the bystander, and in front of you there was a shooter and a wealthy hostage

You three are in a room, the shooter is an assassin, the hostage is the target, and you're an unfortunate sap that got trapped in the crossfire

The hostage is rather wealthy, arrogant, and narcissistic, so there's more than a million dollars of cash on a table, his attempt in flaunting his money around for all to see

Knowing there's no way for the hostage to survive at point blank range of a standardized gun, what do you do?

The shooter offers you a choice, now remember it's only three of you in a room, with a wad of cash on a table nearby

One, you can give the wad of cash that is not yours to the shooter and in exchange he spares the life of the hostage and leaves peacefully

Two, you take the wad of cash and leave as you hear the gunshot of the shooter and you get away scot free

Remember, there's no repercussions, no consequences for the action you decided upon...

Remember, you can only choose one of these possibilities, there is no third option or any way for a third answer to exist

So, after you chose your answer, let me ask you once more, oh and please do answer my question truthfully






Such a controversial word that causes dispute, and is frequently used in... well, everywhere to be honest

It's used in arguments, political fights, television shows, anime, novels, movies, and even in everyday textbooks

But what everyone calls morals, is what I call perspective

It's all about the perspective of the beholder, like...

Yes, that's perfect

Like the situation happening before my eyes, it's a matter of morals, or as I like to call it, perspective

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?" A rather young office lady scolded the young blonde well built teen sitting down on one of the priority seats

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