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For the first time in a while, Marcus truly felt at peace. Ever since he parted with his father, Marcus had been working in the Underworld's office. He listened to his grandfather speak about how to do his job and its purpose. He also enjoyed listening to Lucifer's stories. The charming told Marcus about how rowdy souls could get at their parties. He also spoke of some of his strangest deals.

"That girl you came in here with before, I made a deal with her. I planned on taking it back, but she didn't seem to understand that she could plead for a better deal. I think she had brain damage," Lucifer said from an adjacent seat at the bar," and you said you haven't seen her in a while?"
"I'm guessing she's dead, sir. She doesn't have a soul for me to find her with."
"Oh, so do you care for this girl?" Marcus downed the drink in his hand.
"No, I wouldn't say that. But she did give me the courage to go against Father." Lucifer stood up and ruffled Marcus's hair." Well, I've been summoned by the council. I'll see you later, kid."

Lucifer teleported out of the building and into the council's meeting room." Hello Lucifer, it seems your true leader couldn't make it again," The queen said. Lucifer let out a dry laugh." Yes well, you know exactly why he can't."
"After long weeks of thinking, we are opening up heaven to the underworld. We will allow our saints to indulge in sin for a short periods of time. They deserve it."
"Finally being a decent person, huh? Then I'll accept them with open arms."
"As you should, Lucifer. You never had any choice."
"I'm aware."

Lucifer was quick to leave the building. But he didn't want to leave the village quite yet. He enjoyed the sun too much for that. Just as he was about to go to the park, he felt a tug on his wire-like tail. He turned to see an older child staring at him." Oh, hello there. Do you need something?" Lucifer asked. The girl nodded," I want to find Marcus. I want to see him."
"Oh, I thought I recognized that oversized jacket. But you don't have that strange chest piece. Or mask."
"I don't need them anymore."
"Hm, I was just wondering about you. I guess I can take you to the boy. Give me your hand." Then the two vanished.

Marcus was casually eating a sandwich in Death's office. He looked up at Iowa." I'm sorry, do I know you?" Instead of answering, Iowa hugged Marcus. Marcus made a noise of surprise."I've decided I like you, Marcus," Iowa told him.
"Wait, you're Iowa, aren't you? You're much bigger."
"Yes, I guess I am."
"Then, how about we catch up? I can show you around."
"I'd like that."

Meanwhile, Oma was cleaning up her workspace." Everything is going to plan, Lolli," she said as she cleaned. Lolli was fidgeting with her plush and wasn't paying much attention." There's nothing else bad happening? No one else being mean?" Lolli finally asked. Oma shook her head and Lolli smiled. She felt happy. Her job was complete." I'm gonna stay here then, Mommy."
"Okay then, I'll tell you if anything else needs to change."
"Okay, Mommy."

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