Ch 7:1

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Lolli sat through the rest of the terribly boring meeting. Her cheeks rested on her two palms, her pouting as she listened to the adults talk. Near the end, Jasmine brought up Lolli again." A little earlier, I overheard the girl say she knew the location of the demons," she said. Suddenly, all eyes were on the small girl. That got her attention. Lolli sat up straight and hugged Fluffy." I guess I did say that," she stammered. Jasmine stroked Lolli's hair in a way meant to calm her." I know that one of them was caring for you. But that was just to trick you. They truly aren't good people," Jasmine told Lolli. Lolli whimpered in response." If I tell you where they are, what will you do to them?" Lolli asked, looking up at Jasmine," I don't want you to hurt them."

Jasmine sighed, thinking of the best response for such a question. What would bring the little girl peace?" They are bad people. But we won't treat them unfairly. We will treat them as they deserve to be treated. They hurt many people, after all. What do you think people who hurt a lot of people deserve?" Lolli hopped out of Jasmine's lap, everyone else tracking her every move. She messily wiped her face before looking at the general direction of the table." If they really deserve it, you gotta show me. You gotta show me what they did!"

"I'm sorry, what?" Crystal had spoken." What do you expect to see?" Lolli flinched." There's nothing to see, lower class-man! They're all dead! They died horribly!" Lolli shook her head before asking again," please show me."

Uncomfortably, Jasmine got up." I can show you the death files of everyone they have killed. Come with me." Lolli barely remembered what that was. She had read about it what had seemed to be a long time ago. But at least she has some idea as to where Jasmine was taking her. Jasmine led Lolli into what seemed like the basement of the castle. But it was actually an archive that never seemed to end." For our sake, we've placed the most recent deaths in front. However..." Jasmine placed her hands out in front of her, as if typing on an invisible keyboard. The files seemed to shift and a few began to glow." I am able to search for exactly what I want," Jasmine finished.

Lolli felt a dull ache as Jasmine grabbed the glowing files. She set them on the ground. Jasmine was careful not to spill their contents." These 50 or so people were killed by Iowa. Most of them were in one night." Jasmine went back and grabbed another set of glowing files." I can't grab all of Marcus's. He's killed a lot more over the years."

"Are they really that awful?" Lolli mumbled. She opened one of the files, but Jasmine was quick to slam it shut." It's best you don't read the details."
"They're in the ocean."
"I'm sorry, can you say that again?"
"Iowa and the others are in the ocean. The guy said you have to go there through an empty beach."
Jasmine lifted up the small girl, her shoulder getting wet." It's okay, sweetie. You don't have to think about it anymore... do you want ice cream?"
"Yes, please."

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