Ch 7:6

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Oma was returning from another donation trip. She stepped inside the entrance to her toy store and was greeted by her various creations. One of the oldest boys, came up to her with his trusty book." Little Lolli came the other day. She's started to become restless again," he said. Oma nodded and pet the boy's head.
"Thank you, Brian. You're such a good kid!"
The boy named Brian blushed and scuttled away. Oma then left the store to find Lolli. She knew exactly where her creation had ran off to. She always did. Today she had found Lolli after the girl scared someone else. The witch named Jasmine ran into Oma, terrified. Jasmine told her to stop Lolli from whatever she was doing. Oma walked by the witch to look for her creation.

She found Lolli molding the liquid that was once Maxwell's face with her bare hands. Lolli was clearly concentrated on the task." Oh, did you find someone else you didn't like?" Oma asked as she stepped into the room. Suddenly, Lolli ran up to her." She was being bad, I'm fixing her now," Lolli told her. Oma nodded and looked at the two others in the room. Grim had an indescribable look on his face. Iowa was less emotional, but she also had much less discernible features. She was mostly goop on the ground.

"Are you going to make the scientist let them out?" Oma asked.
"Yeah, and I'm gonna make her nicer."
"But I quite like her personality."
"Keep her the same. Not everyone can be nice."
"No! She hurt my friends!"
"Is that true? Then make her not want to hurt people."
Lolli huffed and continued to shape Maxwell. Soon, she was back to looking as she always did. Maxwell stared up at Lolli as soon as she was able to see again. Then, her gaze slowly moved to Oma." So you're the legendary toymaker," Maxwell said," this one has a scary power."
"I guess she does. But she's a good girl, isn't she?" Lolli huffed and pushed Maxwell off her lap." Release Iowa and Mister Grim now!" Lolli commanded. Maxwell shrugged and did so. She no longer felt the urge to keep them. As soon as the cells were open, Lolli walked up to Iowa. Iowa backed away to the best of her ability. Grim didn't dare move." Mommy? I need help with this one! There's no soul to work with!"

Grim wasn't the best at analyzing souls. Marcus was always far better at it. Marcus could understand each and every emotion one felt. But Grim was never able to do that. But he could see a soul's shape. And that little girl changed Maxwell's soul's shape. Then Maxwell changed.
"I guess I can help with the shape. But you'll have to go to your other mommy to help with the lack of a soul."

Lolli didn't know why she was so sure Oma was her mother. Sure, Maxwell had just said she was the toymaker, but Lolli had never seen her herself. But Lolli instantly recognized Oma's face. She trusted her mother very much. Now that her mother was back, she could help Iowa get better!

Lolli waddled into Grim's cell. Grim flinched as Lolli spoke," can you help me move Iowa? You can move instantly, right?" Grim slowly nodded.
"Okay, good! My mommy can tell you where to go." Hesitant, Grim slowly stood up to his full height. Despite his size, Grim no longer felt like the biggest person in the room. He stuck his hand on-or in- what was left of Iowa and followed Oma's directions on where to teleport.

In front of him was a giant spider. If he wasn't already so horrified, maybe Grim would've screamed. Though, the creature wasn't completely a spider. It had the chest and face of a woman. Mostly. It- or perhaps she- had the same amount of eyes as a spider. It also had fangs peering out from under it's upper lips. It's spider legs were busy weaving a thread Grim was barely able to see." Hi other mommy!" Lolli said from behind Grim. The creature reached down and nuzzled the small girl's face. Its head was as large as Lolli's entire being.
"My friend needs a new soul, mommy! The other one is gone!"

Grim couldn't take it anymore. He glared up at the creature and wildly waved his arms." Yeah, hi, what the fuck is happening?"

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