Ch 1:7

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Lolli approached the man. He looked up and watched her come closer." Do you need something?" He asked, sounding rather grumpy. Even though he sounded young too. A young adult. "Oh not really. It's just the ducks really like you!" Lolli told him. The man released the duck in his lap." I feed them very often." Lolli smiled at the man as he stood. He had white hair that laid in front of his eyes. But even his eyes were gray! He eyed the girl, frowning." But now I have to go." He said. "Aw, why do you have to?"
"That's none of your damn business," he snapped. Lolli even flinched. Iowa walked over and stood behind Lolli. After getting a good look, Iowa's eyes widened in recognition. "You're not going anywhere!" Iowa said as he ran towards the man." You have something that belongs to me!"
"What, I've never seen you in my life." The man held Iowa's small fists to his sides." So calm down."

Lolli was shocked. She didn't expect Iowa to straight up attack the stranger. She couldn't imagine what he could've taken from Iowa either. His money, maybe?" I need to talk to your master!"
"I don't have a master, short-stack!"
"Yes you do! He made me s—"
"Stop fighting!" Lolli screamed, and they both turned to look at her. The man pushed the other away." That's it, I don't have time for this." And he simply disappeared from reality without a trace. Iowa glared at Lolli.
"I wasn't arguing with that reaper. He had something that I need!" Tears formed in Lolli's eyes. She didn't mean to make him upset! "I'm sorry, Mister Iowa," she mumbled. Iowa sighed and gave the girl a hug. It actually made the situation worse, since Lolli started crying. She didn't understand what exactly Iowa needed, but he clearly wanted it badly. To suddenly attack someone...
"It's okay, you don't have to cry about it. But I have to come here again tomorrow." Iowa started to pull Iowa back to the river." I'll make you ice cream."

Lolli sat outside, eating her chocolate ice cream. Iowa leaned on the door of the tree home." This is very crunchy, Mister Iowa!"
"That's because I didn't blend the chocolate fully."
Was there anything Iowa couldn't make? Lolli finished her ice cream and washed her hands. She picked up Fluffy and told it about her day. Iowa left again for the night.

It hadn't occurred to Lolli that Iowa hadn't came back at all during night. She just woke up and took a bath. At some point, Iowa had let himself in and made her pancakes again. Then left, apparently. He wasn't in the home. The only sign besides the pancakes was a little note.
"Going to fight reaper, be back soon. -Iowa."

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