Ch 7:4

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Grim was definitely surprised to see his son sleeping on the sidewalk. Growling, he lightly kicked the boy's side until he woke up. Marcus quickly sat up, frowning." Oh, good morning, Father," Marcus said with a smile soon after. Grim roughly pulled the boy up." We're leaving right now. Where's Iowa?" Iowa moved from behind Marcus.
"Great, then let's get out of here."

Grim took the two back the way they came from. The elevator worked in reverse and returned them to their normal forms. Marcus tugged on Iowa's shirt and lagged behind Grim." There's souls in the distance," Marcus said. Grim didn't seem to hear him and kept walking off the beach.

Suddenly, his pained swearing filled the air. Grim jumped out the ashes on the ground to reveal several spikes digging into his lower leg area." What the hell is this?" He yelled in frustration. Jasmine and her troops came from out their hiding spots- which happened to be using an invisibility device- and went to disarm Grim even further.

Iowa watched with a faint smile as Grim was tackled to the ground, effectively digging more spikes into his skin. He should've been able to knock the men off him, but something was weakening him." They're laced with poison, so you can't do much. Also we burned down all the plants," Jasmine explained with a grin. Grim huffed after two people sat on his back. Then he was tasered until he passed out.

"How could you kill the plants? They did nothing wrong!" Marcus said. Despite his earlier conversation, he couldn't help but smile. At least it was paired with a glare. Jasmine eyed him before another man rushed at Marcus. It could be assumed they underestimated the younger reaper's strength because the soldier was thrown into the ocean.

Iowa inched her way towards the large body of water. She needed something sharp in order to use her magic. But just then, she heard a familiar voice." Iowa, you've been really bad!"
Lolli ran out from the entrance of the beach towards Iowa. She was carrying  her newfound weapon and hoisting it above her head. It distracted everyone enough for Marcus to teleport away." Sweetie, no!" Jasmine said, but Lolli didn't care. She hit Iowa on her head with the massive lollipop. Repeatedly.
"Lolli stop, it's made out of foam," Iowa said, grabbing the handle. Lolli glared at Iowa through her tears and tried to make Iowa let go." Why did you hurt so many people, Iowa? Why did you have to be a bad person?" Lolli demanded. Then, she tugged on her weapon once more. Iowa's hand went with it. Lolli fell and looked at the half melted hand on her stick.

Iowa too was looking at it, before realizing what had happened. She looked down to see what was left. There, she saw her wrist dripping brownish droplets as if she was made of pudding. Her inner magic ran down her arm with it. With her good hand, she felt the top of her head. As she did, she noticed her vision darkening as if her eyes were being covered. Iowa's head was melting as well. She felt no fear, however, her eyes did widen. Lolli also didn't seem to care that much. In fact, she carefully got up and hit Iowa again. This time, she hit Iowa's chest.
"I did the punishment, Miss! Are you done now?" Lolli turned to Jasmine with a smile.

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