Chapter 14 - Dawn

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"Must be handy to run this fast," Adam said, whistling.

"He ran?" Dawn asked.

"Yes, Peyton's the fastest amongst us all. No one can match his speed, sadly, not even me." He shook his head and smiled at her, before running after Peyton himself. That left only Janet and Dawn.

Dawn ignored the other girl and simply jogged up to the waiting trio. She tried muffling her footsteps like the others before her had done, trying to be as stealthy as possible. But she could still hear the slight tapping of her fur boots around her, each step amplified in the silence.

"Now couldn't you be any quieter," Abigail said sarcastically.

"Well pardon me for not being as stealthy as you!" Dawn snapped. "I'm not the one who goes around looking for more magic users to join the coven, hiding in the day and night. I wasn't exactly 'trained' to be a fugitive like you."

"But we 'fugitives' are much better than the cowards, who'd rather stay at home and hide," Janet scoffed. "At least one would be safer if they joined the Shadows and helped us in reaching our goals."

Dawn clenched her fist at her side, not missing the venomous tone Janet's voice carried. She opened her mouth to retort back, but Abigail beat her to the punch. "Enough!" she said, glaring at both of them. "I've just about had it with your constant squabbling. Janet, either you get along with Dawn or I'm kicking you out of the main team. You're not the only offensive Shadow we have. And Dawn... you're already aware of what the consequences will be."

Not waiting for a response from either of them, Abigail started running again, Peyton right at her heels. Dawn stared at their retreating figures for a minute before taking a step forward herself.

"I wish you had never even come," Janet muttered, only Dawn hearing her words. She didn't spare her a look and ran away, leaving Dawn alone with Adam.

"Don't mind her, she just doesn't like being scolded," Adam reassured her.

No, she's right. I wish I hadn't involved myself in all of this either. All I wanted to do was find Dusk on my own, but I can't. I'm... helpless alone. I didn't have any other choice but to ask the Shadows for help, and if the only way to gain that is aiding them in their own mission, so be it. I'm prepared for anything.

Dawn glanced at Adam before following the rest, trying to be as quiet as possible this time. Her boots slid across the thin snow, and even if the air was cold, it didn't faze her the least. That was one thing Dawn found useful about her fire powers. Even if they didn't work at all times, she could still feel them warming her body constantly, always lending her heat. But her father used to still force her to wear furs outside the house, saying that a girl in regular attire would seem suspicious. He didn't want the guards catching onto the truth.

The thought of her father brought everything flooding back to Dawn, as she quickly shut the memories out. Calm down, Dawn. Now is not the time to react to matters in the past. I can't afford to show vulnerability in front of these people. I must prove to them that I'm capable for the Shadows.

Dawn felt her head bump against something hard suddenly, looking up to see Peyton glaring at her. He didn't say anything but just pointed ahead, Dawn following his gaze. A large, red carriage stood on the corner of the street, four mares tugging it forward. The door was shut, the familiar shield and pitchfork painted at the side not escaping her notice.

And then she saw what was around it, the color leaving her face. It was just like Adam had said before; the carriage was strongly protected. Ten guards were stationed around it, two on each side except the back, where there were four. All of them were armed with various weapons, ranging from a spear to a mace. There was no possible way to enter the carriage without dealing with the formidable guards first, something Dawn didn't look eager to do.

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