Chapter 13:Somethings up

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Rachel's POV
"Will you two stop acting like a pair of 5 year olds, I'm trying to do my emails" I shouted as saffy and Luke were play fighting in the sofa " So is Lexi back here for good?" Luke asked " Well I hope so, she's stopping tonight because her and Lacey have fallen out or something" I said as Eddie came in "Hey, Lexi works at that diner right?" He asked as he sat down and declined the sofa chair " Yeah " I said as I closed my laptop "Just she had dressed up a lot for a waitressing shift" Eddie said " Yeah I noticed that, she's a teenager though she's probably trying to impress somebody" I said " So no more of the Max Tyler incident?" Eddie said " I mean you and me both know how Aleesha and Danielle are, I'm still going to keep an eye on the pair though" I said as Saffy and Luke continued play fighting " God it's hard to believe that you to are 17 and 18" I said whilst putting my laptop under the sofa " just cos were having fun" Luke said as saffy got up " I'm thinking about quitting my job and going to get my Alevels in college" saffy said "Why? I thought you were enjoying hairdressing" Eddie said looking up from the news paper " I mean yeah but I want to do something more , I like the idea of nursing" saffy said as Luke got up to go into the kitchen " grab me a can of coke"Saffy said " Well I will support you whatever you do, Waterloo road does Nursing alevels" I said as saffy our one born every minute on "Imagine if one of us came home pregnant, what would you do?" Saffy asked randomly , "your not pregnant are you?" Eddie asked putting the news paper down " no, I mean how would your react" Saffy asked as Luke reappeared with a can of coke and a sandwich " Well I don't know , I mean I would stand by you whatever decision you chose but don't think you would be stopping here, I'm too old to be in a house with babies " I laughed "that's one thing I don't miss , the sound of crying babies " Eddie said " god your only 35 Mam" saffy said opening the coke. "I'm gonna run a bath , and you two pack it in " I said as I got up and headed upstairs.

Lexi's POV
"I think that was the most I've made in a night " I said as me and Leigh-Ann went back to the dressing room " ano what time is it?" She asked as I checked the clock " god it's half 11, I'm gonna ask Barry if I can leave early" I said getting up and heading to his office to see he was with one of the other girls so I waited till she had left. "Hey baz , can I go now? It's not that busy and there's loads of girls in " I said sitting down on his desk "Yeah , I've got an offer for you actually " he said getting some paperwork " this guy, he noticed you from the main floor,I know we don't do these sort of things but he wants to sleep with you for seven grand , you would get all of it" Barry said "I told you the last couple of times I'm not doing this agian" I said getting angry " how about £7500? I'll let you think about it, all you would have to do is come here and do it in one of the private rooms" Barry said " I'm 16 Barry I shouldn't even be working here let alone being a prostitute" I said, I mean if it was just the once then it would be that bad , plus that would be able to pay for rent on a flat for a few months " Make it £8000 then okay " I said instantly regretting it "Brilliant, here I'll get one of the lads to drop you off, I'll text you the details , he was wanting it on Thursday around eleven in the morning" Barry said " yeah that's fine, I'll be in school so somebody will have to pick me up because it's ages away from the club" I said " yes that's fine, Francesca will take you home just go to the main desk" Barry said as I stood up " okay thanks" I said before going back to the changing rooms "Oh well I'll see you on Friday then, I'm off now Francescas giving me a lift home " I said as I put an oversized jumper on with shorts " Yeah, cya then babes" she said before I left the changing rooms and headed to the main desk

"Hey Barry said frans were giving me a lift?" I asked at main desk "yeah she's out front in the white polo lexi" Mandy said "thanks, cya on Friday" I said before going out the doors. "Hey" I said getting into her car " You still at your dads?" She asked as she started driving " No he fucked off to London with Emma and the twins cos of his new job so I'm back at my mams" I said " Damn that must've been hard on ya" she said " yeah ano , So now I'm back living with my mam , saying that I was stopping with my boyfriend but back to mams cos I've fallen out with my mate who is stopping with him cos it's her cousin" I said as she turned down my street " Jesus , here I'm always here for you" she said as she pulled up outside my house "Cheers , anyway thanks for the lift , I'll cya on Friday" I said before getting out of the car. I waved her off then headed inside.

"Your back early, I thought you didn't finish till two " Eddie said as he stood making in his dressing gown in the kitchen " I got off early , I'm gonna grab an shower and  head to bed " I said as I started going up stairs " okay, be quiet though your mums asleep" Eddie said as he locked the front door and came upstairs "Okay, Night" I said before going into my room.

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