Chapter Seven: Your back?

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Lacey's POV
"God im regretting going back to work im so tired" lexi complained " Yeah well your the one who works from 10 till 4 in the morning" I said as i got my phone away " good money though, god my mam and eddie are in the car park" Lexi said as she finished putting her lashes on . My belly started doing somersaults when i saw Eddie, he hadn't changed " Rachel knows theres a new girl but doesn't know your name so Eddie doesn't know your back still" Max said as he pulled into the school Car park and parked the car.
We all got out and both rachel and eddie started coming towards us " Lexi i didnt know you were stopping with Mr Tyler?" Rachel said in a concerned voice " well technically i was stopping with Lacey who was stopping with Mr Tyler" Lexi said as i came and stood next to her " Lacey?" Eddie said looking at me " Hey Eddie" i said " When did you come back, i thought you were staying with your nana in London?" He asked " I came up last week , and she kicked me out the week after you left" i said "I will see you later lacey" Max said as he hugged me and headed inside and me eddie rachel and Lexi started walking to her office " How do you know Max?" Eddie asked as we went up some stairs " He was Dads younger cousin" i said as we got to Rachel's office. " Ill leave you two to talk, i need to talk to Lexi " Rachel said as Lexi sighed " thanks rachel" Eddie said as she left with a tired lexi.

" So how have you been?" Eddie asked as he sat down " seriously? My parents died, my brother is in prison and all my family are either dead or hate me" i said angry at what he had just said, " Whys Alex in prison, i never knew and i thought you were stopping with your Nana?" Eddie said with a look of disappointment in his face. Me and Alex were really close with Eddie, my parents died from a car crash but they had drug and alcohol problems so our childhood was a bit messed up but Eddie helped raise us, he was like a second dad to us. " He got caught dealing drugs , but you can't get angry because Since nana kicked us out we didn't have anything till the inheritance money came in so We tried earning money but Alex got caught" i said as i pulled out a chair from the table and sat down " Drugs! Did you not learn your lesson about drugs from your parents or even Lexi!" Eddie shouted " Oh shut up will you, we didn't have anybody and its not like you were there to help you just abandoned us, and don't you dare bring my parents into this!" I shouted back getting angry at the fact he was bringing my parents up " Hey, you had my number i was only a phone call away you should have phoned " Eddie said " You gave me the wrong number we tried phoning you but its not like we know where you lived or worked" i said getting upset, when my nana first kicked us out me and Alex had slept some nights on the street until we found a hostel but only Max knew about that " Im sorry, i honestly thought you were fine , anyway how come you know Lexi? " Eddie said as he changed the subject " I met her a while ago through other friends and when we went to the clubs " i said " underage drinking great " Eddie muttered " hey at least i was having fun, when we moved to London we lost contact but were fine now. I see you and Rachel are engaged" i said " Yeah, right lets get your time table sorted, your in Lexi's registration with Mr Clarkson, and your in all of her lessons so you should settle in easier" eddie said " Thanks" i said " Here ill take you to registration " eddie said as he got up

Lexi's POV
"So you got a lift from mr tyler?" My mam asked as we sat in an empty classroom " yeah he is Lacey's cousin and I've been stopping with them" i said " i would like it if you came home tonight though, saffy and Luke miss you" she said smiling " I mean yeah but i have work tonight so I'm kinda busy" i said " Oh you work? Your dad never said , where do you work? I could take you ?" She said " erm at the 24 hour diner down the road , its fine tonight I'm working 8pm to 2 am so ill just walk" i said as i turned my phone off as it started buzzing " thats late? Can you not work an earlier shift?" She asked as she had a concerned face on her " No , Ive been working the same shifts for a few months and i can't just change, besides its good money" i said " oh well thats fine, right you best get yourself to class" she said as we both stood up " yeah , erm can we forget about last Monday?" I asked as we walked down the corridor " thats fine, but I'm here if you need to talk okay, now hurry up your going to be late to registration" she said as the bell rang.

For some reason she was being nice , usually she would be angry at me for working those shifts and for stopping away for a week. I couldnt think why she was being nice but i put it aside as i walked into form late " Ah lexi , your late go take a seat" Mr Clarkson said as i walked in and saw Lacey sat with max, chlo and janecee " Sorry i was talking to miss mason" i said as i sat next to Lacey " I swear your only in once a week" laughed max " oh shut it , im back with my mam now so looks like ill be back doing 9 to 3 5 days a week" I sighed " Oh are you not stopping with me and max anymore?" Lacey asked " Nah sorry, my mam wants me to ome back and shes being suprisingly nice so thought i would go for it " i laughed as mr clarkson came over with a letter in his hand " Lexi heres your mock grades, i thought i would show you first before your mum finds out" he said as he passed me the envelope " oh god lets see the damage" i laughed " They cant be that bad ?" Max said as i went to open the envelope " hm lets see" i said as i read the letters, my heart dropped, i had failed every single exam i didn't even get an F in any how was that even possible " hey you okay? " Chlo asked as she noticed i was upset " i , well , erm , ill see you at break i need to go see somebody "i said hiding my results as i stood up " Lexi sit back down" Mr clarkson said from his desk as i went to leave the classroom.

I had my real exams in a few months and i had failed my Mocks badly, my mam is going to kill me, after walking a few laps of the school i ended up at Max's office. I knocked on the door before going in and seeing him sitting at his desk on his computer " have you got a minute?" I asked as i came in and shut the door " yeah sure, everything alright?" He asked as i sat down " not really, look at these , I'm such a fucking failure" i said as i began to cry while passing him my results , there was a a few minutes silence while Max read over the results. " Oh Lexi, how come there this bad? " he asked as he passed me the box of tissues " I don't know, i mean i know i thought i did really well in the exams" i said " Well your back to school full time now so that might help your grades improve? Plus your lessons are mainly coursework based so for the real exams if you start focusing in lessons you have a chance of getting higher grades?" Max said , i spent the rest of registration and all of first lesson. Max was great, he made me feel Happy and he was always there no matter what. Whilst we were talking my mam walked in...great.

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