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Please Watch the Trailer before reading the story, from the trailer it does sound as if the full book has been explained in a summary but it hasn't, I couldn't fit all the key points in otherwise it would be too long.

Lexi is the daughter of Rachel Mason and Steven Smith, Her parents divorced when she was just 9 years old and since then her father has re married and her mother is currently engaged to Eddie Lawson. Lexi had two older siblings , Saffy Smith who is 17 and Luke Smith who is 18 all of the siblings have a close bond both Luke and Saffy are extremely protective over Lexi as they see her as the little one.
Whilst Lexi was growing up she was a handful, she was always causing trouble which put a strain on Rachel and Stevens marriage. Lexi really hit the rails after her parents split and her father went to jail for 3 years. Lexi lived with Eddie and Rachel till she was 14 but she was constantly arguing with her mother and moved in with her father. Living with her father was great, there was no strict rules no curfews, she was free. However with freedom comes problems ( you will have to read to find out) .

Lexi, saffy, Luke Smith-Mason and Lacey Lawson are my characters, I am following the storyline of the show but tweeking some parts to fit in with the story. Any copying of my extra storylines or characters will be reported to wattpad, everything else belongs to the Waterloo road show x

Hope you enjoy the story x

Also just gonna tag some random people just to get this story going x


The Daughter Of Rachel MasonWhere stories live. Discover now