My father opened the letter and read it aloud,

"Dear Donatello's

You may or may not know who I am but no matter I will introduce myself. I am Petro König. Leader of the REAL WORTHY German mafia unlike the people who call themselves my blood. My blood is superior to theirs.

Moving on, I am sure you're all wondering why I did this well it was quite simple actually. You took my beloved Sera and had to get her back. You see I've known Sera since she was a baby and when I found out she was gone and with you well.. that was a big no.

Anyways, I have left you all a present that is wrapped up and waiting in front of your home. No it's not a bomb it's much better. I was told you were looking for these two and to be honest I had no need for them anymore.

Speaking of the gift I have bestowed upon you, before you do any bad damage they have a little something to share with you. I must go now.

But remember.

Sera is MINE. You will never find her. She is my beloved. My world. You will never have her.

Till next time.

Petro König." My father finished through gritted teeth.

I could barely contain my anger, hell none of us could including those who haven't even met our little topolina yet. My grandfather was shaking, my uncles were fuming and my father well let's just say if you could breathe his air you'd be dead.

I heard and glass shatter and turned to my twin, oh hell no. He's going back to cold Valentino, "His. HIS? SHE IS MINE!!" Valentino roared throwing more glass. He flipped a table, "SHE IS MY SISTER!" I tried to calm him but Leonardo as snapped "He. Is. DEAD!" Which made Stefano mad as well, "SHES OURS." Stefano shouted breathing heavily.

"We need to leave and have a look at this so called gift." I said. Everyone rushed out the door to the cars I wanted so badly so pound someone's face in the floor but I couldn't. Not yet.


We drove up the drive way already seeing a big green box with a black bow around it. Some of the guards that weren't already looking for Serafina surrounded it and had guns ready.

We all surrounded the box ourself and mom pulled the ribbon making the box collapse. It revealed two people tied together sitting on two chairs with their mouths gagged. They looked afraid of us but I honestly have no idea who these people are.

"You." My dad spat looking at the pair in discuss. He pulled the gags out and glared, "So he had you guys this whole time huh. No wonder we couldn't find you. You're nothing but feccia." (Italian "scum") He said disgusted.

"Who are they?" My uncle Emiliano asked.

"Her filthy parents." My father said but that just made them laugh. My mother was furious, "Why are you laughing? How dare you hurt that innocent child. She's your daughter." And they laughed harder.

"Whatever. That gör isn't our daughter." (German "brat") The man said like he was heavily disgusted with his German accent.

"So the birth certificate was a fake." My mother stated crossing her arms.

"No the birth certificate was real. I did give birth to her. But she's not our blood." The woman said laughing crazily.

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. Why the hell is this so funny.

They turned to look my my parents. The man scoffed. "For the number one mafia you guys are stupid." Which earned him a punch in the throat from my mom. Damn I do not want to be him.

He coughed and cleared his throat, he looked at my dad. "Don't you get it? She's your daughter. Are you really going to look at her then your mother and not see she's a replica." He said and we turned to my grandmother.

He was right. Serafina is a copy of my grandmother the same shade brown hair, the same skin tone, the same face shape, hell the only difference was the one green eye.

My father opened his mouth, and looked back and forth "that's impossible." He sputtered "HOW!" He said punching the man. The woman finally decided to come into the conversation, "I'm sure you remember around six years ago when you and that ugly thing you call a wife.." he started but didn't finish with a smack from my aunt Nicole. She yelped but clenched her jaw, "as I was saying six years ago you two went on a business trip but ended up missing for those two weeks." What's she going on about? We'll ask later.

My mother and father nodded, "what about it?" My grandfather demanded fed up already. She chucked, "well it was always part of the plan. You guys don't remember since you were heavily drugged but there was a procedure done on both of you." She looked at my dad "they took your sperm" and turned to my mom "and they took your eggs. After that happened they had serval girls ready for surrogacy but they all miscarried and I was the only one who ended up having a child. Your child." my parents looked horrified.

My dad grabbed his phone, "Do you still have left over blood from Serafinas tests?.. I need a DNA test done NOW." He waited for a few minutes, 'Can you hear the silence?' I thought. He glared at the couple "Grazie" and hung up the phone.

He cleared his throat, "Stanno dicendo la verità." (Italian "They are telling the truth.") Everyone's jaw dropped. My sister. Serafina is my sister my blood. The family has finally had a princess.

I made a beeline for the man and punched the living daylights out of him.

"YOU HURT MY SISTER!! ABUSED HER! YOU MARKED HER! SHES ONLY FIVE!" I shouted still hitting this guy. My dad pulled me off only to have a go at it himself.

I saw my mom beating the woman screaming at her for touching her baby girl. I couldn't handle it I felt like I was going to pass out. She could be anywhere.

I asked the everyone to help me pull my dad off the guy and I tapped his cheek.

"Where did he take her!! Who is he to her?" I hissed in his face.

He coughed blood, "Pet-Petro was the one who came up w-with the idea. We were meant to keep her safe and out of your radar but the gör ran away. When we told him he was pissed especially since we weren't supposed to hit her. He has an obsession with her. He is most likely in hiding in Germany but you won't find him. He has plans for her. She wasn't supposed to find you guys until she was 16." He gritted our through the pain.

I grabbed his face, "We will find her but either way. You. Are. Dead." I told him pushing his face away roughly.

"We will call the Königs and tell them what's going on since that idiot is involved." My uncle said.

We had the guards take the barely alive couple to the dungeons. Let's just say they aren't going to have a nice couple of nights.

I looked at my parents. Her parents. Our parents. To see them broken. My dad was actually crying, getting a Donatello man to cry was rare but yet the sight is in front of me.

We need to find her. Fast.


I had time to update early. But okay, so now we know Petro is a weirdo. And definitely crazy. Who wants him dead? Lol. Sorry guys. But I might update again later or tomorrow just depends. See you later. Thanks for the support!

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