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Hi guys, I just realized this story has gotten 5k views and I think that's kind of cool. Thank you guys so much for supporting this story. I know uploads have been slow and that's because I have been slowly lacking inspiration.

Not only that but the world is going through so many things and being a minority myself makes me fear for my life more than I ever have. I am lost for words at the tragedies that have occurred in the past few weeks. My heart swells up at whats going on. Let this time in the world let you realize that everybody should be treated equally. No matter the skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc. It hurts me to see my brothers and sister being continuously mistreated because of our skin and where we come from. Do anything you can and don't ignore whats going on. Nothing won't change by just watching and moving on. Lives are being taken away and they are being taken advantage of. This is where society comes together and has each others backs because they can't silence all of us. All lives will matter once black lives matter. Stand up and speak up. Police have always taken advantage of their position and have been brutal and are becoming more brutal by the second. We are all human and it sucks that such tragic events like this have to happen in order for people to realize the damage that is being done. RACISM IS REAL. POLICE BRUTALITY IS REAL. BLACK CHILDREN MATTER. BLACK LIVES MATTER. BLACK FUTURES MATTER. No more silence. #JUSTICEFORGEORGEFLYOD #BLACKLIVESMATTER (There is more information on what you can do to help at the bottom of this section)

I'm determined to finish this story and I won't rush to get it done. Fortunately, school for me is coming to an end and now I'll be able to focus more on this story.  I have a few ideas that will definitely be implemented into this story soon but I want to build it all up before. I won't necessarily keep writing in Keith's or Lance's POV because i feel like it gets really confusing. So I'm going to start writing in a third person omniscient point of view. The third-person omniscient point of view is when the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story. I will upload the next chapter on June 8th. Stay safe, wear your masks, and wash your hands! Most kind and be aware of what's going on.
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