Chapter 9: The Dark Encounter

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Elsa's PoV

A few days ago, I dreamt that Jack caressed my face and said that he would protect me no matter what and won't let "him" get me. I turned a cold shoulder to it at first but now, I had another weird dream that a tall, slender man in black was talking to me while I was asleep. I have never seen him before. And just last night, I had another weird dream and it was about Jack, and he was about to kiss me. Good gracious! My dreams are getting weirder and weirder. What is actually happenng to me? Was is just my fantasy or what?

Now, I woke up without knowing where Jack is. I slept with him in my room and woke up with him nowhere to be found. Why would he always leave without saying anything? Even a little note or something at least, so I won't get this uneasy feeling I'm having now that he's not around.

Suddenly, knocks on the door were heard.


"Princess Elsa?" Said by a female's voice outside.


"May we come in?" She asked. At first I was a little hesitant, but later, I let them in. The lady servant, the royal secretary, the hired dress designer, and other female servants went in. One of them is carrying a huge box.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, your highness. We are here to fit your coronation gown on you." She said. The lady opened the box and it was indeed the output of the designed coronation gown they told me last week.

"Please try it on, your highness." She requested. I took the gown and went into my changing area. I wore it, and it was a perfect fit. The cloth is so soft too. You can tell immediately that the gown was expensive and is special. I looked at myself in the mirror. I look so... elegant and queenly. I walked out of my changing area for them to see.

"My! It was perfect! As expected from Monsieur Antoine. Your works are the finest." My lady servant exclaimed. The monsieur removed his hat and bowed as a sign of thank you and appreciation. Then the lady servant handed me over a book. I looked at her in confusion.

"The guide book for the ceremony tomorrow, your highness. Everything is written there with illustrations." She smiled.

"Oh... Okay. Thank you." I politely said and then they left. I changed back to my casual dress and placed my gown on my dress mannequin and placed it beside my vanity. Since Jack is still gone, it might be a good idea if I start reading the guide book for tomorrow's ceremony. I don't want to mess anything up.

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