Chapter 1: What does a Frozen Boy do in Summer?

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Jack's PoV

I flew over a lake and froze it. Hah! I could skate on it now! I skated and skated, but after a few minutes, my ice rink felt... soft and watery. I looked down and found the lake thawing out. I quickly flew to the grassy land nearby. Well, I don't want to go swimming yet.

"Blast it!" I said as I jump on a wooden fence and sit on it.

"What could I possibly do in this hot weather? My ice melts quickly and my frostballs can't even stand a minute!" I said to myself. I made a snowball, or in my term, frostball, ('Cause it's made by me, Jack FROST ;D) but just like I said, it quickly thawed to water. I sighed.

"I hate summer!" I slammed my staff on the ground. This is the season I hate the most. Why? The scorching heat always melt my ice. I can't have fun even a little! I stood up, jumped up and swung on the tip the tallest tree I saw.

"Wind! Take me somewhere fun!" I ordered the wind and it blew me away literally.

After minutes of flying, I began familiarizing the environment. This way I'm taking right now doesn't look familiar to me. Have I gone here before? I continued to look around but just as I thought, I can't remember going to place somewhere in this part of the world. Hm.. Where is the wind going to take me?

A few minutes later, I started seeing an island from afar. It's an island fairly near the north pole! How could I possibly not been here if it's near North's Factory? Well, it's not really near. North's Factory is exactly on the north pole and this is a few latitudes lower. It has a big gate that encloses their borders with ports all around it. I landed directly inside their kingdom without passing through the gate. Why would I take the gate if I could just simply land inside their territory?

I read the banner hanging along the first few steps to the kingdom.

"Welcome to Arendelle." I placed my fingers on my chin.

"Arendelle... Sounds new." I smiled and decided to explore this new place.

Most people just went through me. I guess they don't believe in me. But I don't care. I walked on an alley and saw people working or buying stuffs from merchants or checking out things in shops, and children playing everywhere. Some can actually see me, but maybe they don't recognize me. That means I could actually wander in this place without my identity being revealed, and that's pretty good.

I took a piece of cookie from a merchants stall and ate it as I walk. Mm.. Food here does taste good. I continued to walk and see how happy the people of Arendelle are. I smiled. This place sure is nice, but the problem is, it's also summer here. WHAT COULD I POSSIBLY DO IN AN ICE-MELTING WEATHER? The wind could have just brought me somewhere else! I turned around and saw something that caught my interest.

"Whoa.. Is that.. a castle?" I asked to myself with a grin.

"A castle it is!" I excitedly flew on the top of the gate's tower and held on the flag pole as I take a look inside.

"Now this place looks promising." I smirked.

"But I guess it's better to explore this one at night. Who knows if someone still believes in me sees me and think I'm some kind of trespasser." I said to myself and flew away. I made myself busy in exploring Arendelle as I wait for the night fall. When the moon rose and everyone in the castle was asleep, I snuck into an open window and took a little walk on the castle halls.

"A castle is a very huge place to live on. Why do they need to build an enormous home if only a family and some servants stay in here? It's not really necessary. Tch. Some people are just too luxurious, aren't they?" I said as I walk on and transfer from one part of the castle to another. I finished rounding up the castle a few hours before dawn, so I'm going back to where I came in.

I was about to step out the window when I noticed something at my right. I looked at it and saw that there's another hallway. Have I been there? I walked towards it to see if I already went through there, but no. That was a completely different hallway. I gladly walked through it as I look around.

"I've seen the king and queen's bedroom, and it's on the other side of this hallway. I wonder what's in here." I monologue. Then I saw a door that's slightly opened. My natural curiosity urged me to look inside, so I did. All I saw was two royal double beds in opposite sides of the wall. So, is this the princesses' chamber? Then a little girl went down from one bed, ran to the other and climbed on it. She looks like she's only five.

"Elsa.. Psst! Elsa! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She said as she shook and sat on the other girl who was still sleeping.

"Anna... Go back to sleep.." Said by Elsa's sleepy voice.

"I just can't! The sky's awake, so I'm awake! So we have to play." Little Anna said as she lied on top of her sister. I giggled. Wow. That was a nice reason.

"Go play by yourself." Elsa said as she pushed her sister off her bed. I giggled again. Little sisters.. Yeah. My sister was like that to me too when I'm still alive. But this little Anna was just so persistent that she climbed again on her sister's bed and opened one of Elsa's eyes.

"Do you wanna build a snowmaaan?" She asked with a smug. Elsa opened her eyes and smiled. They both got up and rushed to the doorway and pushed the door wide open that I even need to avoid the swinging door. They continued running fast on the hallway and down the stairs. I grinned. Where are these kids going?



Hey guys! Did you like it? Hope you do! :) See this story would be a mash-up of Frozen and Rise of the Guardians so expect to see all the main characters of these movies. The only thing I'm going to do is make whole different storyline somewhere from the early-middle part up to the end. I hope you'll like my imagination's ideas! :3

Should I make an update already?

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