Chapter 4: Time Lapse

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Jack's PoV

I came flying fast and flew right in the huge window of North's Factory. I immediately saw the other guardians there assembled.

"What is it?!" I shouted as I barged in. They all looked at me and went to me.

"Manny says he has a new information about Pitch's target!" Tooth exclaimed with enthusiasm as her eyes gleamed.

"Great! What did he say?" I asked excitingly.

"Chill down, icy pants. Manny's just about to tell us." Bunny looked up to the moon that was slowly moving to peep into the window. Just like what he did before, he took out that old, crunchy scroll and did some lettering on it. When he finished, North read the message out loud.

"The powers of the child gets stronger each day and would be at its peak when the child turns eighteen. That is the time when Pitch would make some moves in destroying the world." North said then closed the scroll. I raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't he already figured out who exactly is that kid and how old he or she is now and his or her whereabouts?" I asked.

"He didn't say anything about those. But I'm sure we'll find that kid sooner or later before Pitch!" North grinned. I shook my head.

"Jack, don't get too disappointed. You know Manny's doing what he can to give us all the information we need!" Tooth said in her usual happy voice.

"Okay... We know when he'll make a move on the kid. But the question is, WHO, WHERE, AND HOW OLD THAT KID IS. What if that kid we're talking about is already seventeen turning eighteen tomorrow? What would we do now?" I frowned. Why? It's not far from reality. It could be possible! Unless the real target is Elsa... But I do not wish that kid would be her.

"Hey loudmouth! Why don't you just appreciate what information Manny has given us? You kept on complaining and complaining! Why? Does your complaining help solve the problem? Did your complaining help us know more about that kid Pitch is eyeing for?" Bunnymund said in his Australian accent and glared at me.

"Oh yeah. Of course my complaining do help. It makes you guys see the whole truth and endless possibilities that could happen! And what about you Easter kangaroo? What did your silence contribute to the solution of our problem?" I smirked at him. I know he hates it when I call him 'kangaroo'. Tooth flew in between me and Bunny.

"Okay. Calm down guys! This is not the time that we should argue!" Tooth said, trying to light up the mood.

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