Chapter 45

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James POV

My frustration was let out on the gear lever in the car. I was driving with annoyance and with a feeling of that things were unfair. There was no justice in what I had experienced, and I was now beyond surprised that I didn't see this coming at all. Of course, I shouldn't have fallen in love with a woman like Maya. I ran my hand through my hair out of mere rage. Out of all people, it was simple Maya who hurt me like this.

I wanted to go back and hear her out. Get this solved. Make things better.
But I couldn't. The reason why it all became too much was when her dad mentioned my ethnicity – for being white!

All along Maya was just the same. She didn't even tell them about me and that she would have gone so far to even meet this stranger in her parent's house, all dressed up and ready to get engaged – it made me sad.
All this long I had been open. I had listened and tried to get into her world but then, in the end, it was her own parents who were against us and she just tagged along with them. I thought she was following her own path? She did all the other things against her parents. Why not stand against them on this important thing? 

And she didn't tell me. That hurt.

As I came back to my house, I slammed the door to the car and walked in. I was met by Nico, but I wasn't in the mood to play with him. Nico sensed my irritability, so he came closer to me and rested his face on my lap when I was sitting on the couch staring out into nothing but air.

I stroke him on the head and cuddled his ears. He liked to be caressed like that.

'I guess you won't be seeing Maya anymore buddy' I told him with a sad voice. Nico just looked me in the eye wagging his tale. He licked my hand now.

I got up and went into the kitchen to fetch something to drink. When I opened the fridge, I didn't have much to choose from. Normally Maya would have cooked something nice and I would have that, but right now I only had milk, fruits, and beer.
I went for the beer, opened it, and took a big sip. I stood at the counter and opened my shirt up now. My phone vibrated in my pants' pockets. I took it out and read the message I just received. It was from Maya.

'I'm so sorry James. Please give me a chance to explain. I didn't mean this to happen. Please call me'

What part of it didn't she mean to happen? She didn't mean to have me there so I would bust her, right? I took another gulp from the beer bottle and threw the phone away from me. The beer wasn't enough for me to deal with. I needed something more.

When I realized what I needed, I hesitated. Then my phone vibrated once again. It was probably Maya again. I didn't bother reading it, so I ignored it and went into the bathroom to wash my face. When I got out, I decided.

I picked up my phone and texted Brian and Clay from work.

About an hour later I was sitting at a local bar not too far from my home. I saw Clay and Brian come in and they greeted me and sat beside me. We all ordered something to drink. Clay ordered a beer; Brian ordered a whiskey and I did the same. I needed something strong. I had made sure to put my phone on silent mode so I couldn't get interrupted.

'This was a surprise, my friend! I missed hanging out with you' Clay patted me on my back with a huge grin on his face. Clay was a very good lawyer and we worked at the same firm. He was also very good at partying and drinking. He was the youngest one of us all and he was always single. Clay had this motto in life saying: Stay single and you get laid every time.

Brian had a wife at home, but he was always ready to get a drink with his friends. He was the eldest of us three. We sat there for a few hours when suddenly we got interrupted by someone.

The bartender pushed a drink over at me by letting it slide over the table.

'The drink is from the lady in the back'

I caught the drink in my hand and turned my head back to see who the woman was. It was a pretty woman sitting with her friend at one of the tables. She had hazelnut colored hair and she was wearing a low-cut dress so you could get a pretty good glimpse of her cleavage. She looked over at me and smiled while pulling some hair strand back from her ear.

'James, it looks like you get to go home with that fine thing!'

I nodded at the woman and then turned around to face the guys. I was flattered, that I was. But I was not in the mood to flirt with someone right now. I was too frustrated to do that.

'Nah, she's fine and all that. But I shouldn't' I took a sip from my whiskey and looked at the bartender work.

'What's wrong with you pal?' Clay asked me in horror.

Brian interrupted him; 'Clay, he already has a girlfriend you know...'

I stiffened at his comment. I then turned to them both and blankly told them that we weren't together anymore.

'You're not together anymore? What happened buddy?' Brian seemed confused.

'Apparently, she was about to get engaged to someone else' I said dryly.

'Wow, that was a nasty move of her. You should totally forget all about her and move on, James. Right there, behind you, is a gorgeous woman hitting on you, and you are not even taken anymore. You are single! What is wrong with you?'

Typical Clay. But he was right. I hadn't been intimate with anyone for over a long time since I got together with Maya and she was already on her way to get engaged with someone else. Why did I even care anymore?

'You're right' I took the glass with whiskey and emptied it in one gulp. They both looked at me amazed. 'Go get her tiger'. Clay had the biggest smirk on his face while Brian looked a little hesitant about whether he should motivate me or hold me back.

I straightened myself up and walked over to the table where the woman was sitting. She must have been between twenty-eight and thirty. She looked beautiful in that black dress. Too revealing to my taste but who cared. I only pursued her for one thing. 

'Hi, thanks for the drink. It's not very often that a woman make such a move' 

She smiled and crossed her legs so I could see her thighs more visibly. 'I guess I had to do something to get the attention of the most handsome man in the room, right?' 

I gave her a smile. 'My name is James' 

'Hi, I'm Lisa'. 

* * *

Okay, this chapter is screaming for your thoughts and comments! Let me know what you all are thinking! :O :D 

I will update you very very soon with the next chapter. It will be from Mayas point of view so we all can get an inside of how it is from her world. 

Stay tuned guys - love you and I love all your support. Big hugs! :) 

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