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Norman woke up before Ethan did, carefully pulling himself out of the architect's arms and untangling from blankets. The ex-agent slipped out of bed completely and slowly made his way out of the room. He arranged the couch so that it looked like he had slept on it before going to the kitchen and getting a cup of water, leaning against the counter. He glanced towards the fridge and slowly pried it open. The habits of his life whilst working slipped peacefully into his new life; cold leftovers for breakfast. Though, the cold leftovers were normally Chinese takeout and not pizza.

The sound of footsteps pried Norman's attention away from the cold cardboard box on the counter, glancing back. He didn't expect to see Shaun up, but was glad that he wasn't the only one awake now. The boy tilted his head at the pizza for breakfast situation and walked over, a curious spark already in his sleepy eyes. The ex-agent always wondered if that curious spark faded because of school or because of life itself. He didn't want to find out now that Shaun was in his life.

"You want a slice?" He offered, lifting the box to the boy. Shaun seemed to think it over before grabbing a slice, the two eating in silence for a moment. Norman set the box down again, yawning softly and stretching his arms, leaning against the counter yet again. He glanced towards the bedroom door Ethan was still asleep in, wondering when his boyfriend would wake up.

"Did you save my dad from the bad guys too?" Shaun asked quietly, looking at Norman curiously. The ex-agent thought for a moment, trying to determine who the 'bad guys' would be here. Besides that, he had saved Ethan from who were supposed to be the 'good guys'. The ex-agent didn't want to be silent for too long though.

"I did, despite what the people I was working with thought." Norman quietly answered. The words he said to ARI rang in his mind like a bell; "Ethan Mars is innocent, I'd stake my life it". In a way, his life did become staked on it. Staying in ARI for longer than he did for the final time could've killed him, all for Ethan's innocence. "I'd save your father's life everytime if I was forced to go back, no matter what."

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