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Norman didn't want to open his eyes, dreading the thought of waking up in the futon alone. He kept his eyes shut tight until he felt lips press on his forehead. His face eyes opened at the touch and looked to Ethan looking like he just woke up, his heart hitching at the thought of hearing the morning voice again. A smile formed on the ex-agent's face, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Hello sunshine," Ethan murmured, eyes shining with sleepy joy. Norman could feel his heart leap, snapping his brain awake and able to think.

"Morning, mellilla," he mumbled in response, playing with the collar of the architect's shirt. The nickname sprang out of a flustered state, the ex-agent wanting some sort of special nickname for the man. The architect raised a brow, tilting his head slightly. His hair became more messy at the action, his hair looking even softer. He half pushed himself up to a seating position, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's Latin, by the way," he added softly.

"'Course you know Latin," Ethan quietly said, admiration soaking his like syrup. "That's kinda hot, I gotta be honest." The ex-agent looked away, his face going a dark shade of red. A small chuckle sounded from behind him, arms wrapping his waist and a lips pressing on the back of his neck. He glanced back at the architect, biting his lip slightly. It would take a while to get used to the compliments, especially when given out in that tone.

"We should get going," Norman mumbled, though he leaned back into Ethan, which countered what he said. He felt comfortable, never wanting to get out of the man's arms. He didn't even want to go anywhere without some form of contact, but that felt like an overdramatic feeling. He figured it had a simple answer, of which being the fact that he was incredibly touch starved and not being in a relationship for a while.

"Five more minutes," Ethan mumbled, pressing another kiss on the back of the ex-agent's neck. "Gives us enough time to talk and figure things out," he added quickly, as if giving justification. Norman thought about it for a moment, slightly nervous about what he full well knew needed to be discussed. He shifted, managing to turn to face the other, chewing on his inner cheek a bit.

"If you're not ready to jump into a new relationship, I can wait." The ex-agent spoke first, the first thing that came to mind spewing out fast. Ethan looked surprised by the statement, thinking for a moment. All past stressful situations were nothing compared to how anxious Norman was in that moment, waiting to hear the architect's answer to that. He held his breath when he heard the other take a breath in to speak.

"Surprisingly, I'm perfectly fine with that. Jumping into this, I mean." Ethan's answer was unexpected but relief filling, the ex-agent letting out the breath he was holding. "It may take a while for it to be more than this," he nodded to the current position the two were in. Norman nodded, rendered speechless out of surprise. Expecting the worse and receiving something amazing always did that to him. Though, in those situations, it was more serious than finding out what exactly he and the man he once arrested were going to be.

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