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The loud chirping of birds and the sunshine shining brightly through the useless curtain woke Norman in the morning, shielding his eyes by pressing his face more into Ethan's chest. The other man stirred at the movement but was still asleep. His arms were tight around Norman, practically pinning him down. The agent tried to look for the time, able to see it was some time in the afternoon. He couldn't see the exact time, just the small dot that revealed that it was the afternoon. He nudged Ethan, trying to wake him up. He didn't know how long the rest of the carride would take, plus they both needed to eat. Breakfast probably was over in the hotel, so they'd have to go out.

Ethan stirred, cracking an eye open with a tired groan. Norman swore he saw a spark appear in the sleepy blue eyes once he saw the agent in his arms. The now awake architect snaked one arm away from the agent to rub his eyes, tilting his head to check the time. Sunlight shined on the man, making his skin seem to glow. Whisps of messy hair looked almost golden, looking as soft as cotton. It was tempting to try to pet, but Norman was able to resist. He was still half held by Ethan, head still nestled into his chest.

"What time is it?" Norman asked in a mumble, forcing himself to move out of the embrace, sitting on the side of the bed. He adjusted his robe quickly to cover himself completely and clearing his throat. Oddly enough, he didn't feel awkward. He was an awkward person overall, yet it felt normal. He could easily look for himself but wanted to hear Ethan talk. He wanted a normal conversation with the man again, missing that for the time he was unable to call. He truly missed just talking with Ethan about casual topics.

"A bit after 12:30. I think we'll be here another night, but at least it'll give us both a chance to get a change of clothes," the architect shrugged, his charming smile sparkling in the afternoon light. Norman felt his face warm up, nodding slightly. A change of clothes sounded great, especially considering the fact that the clothes he had weren't exactly holding good memories. "You can borrow my shirt for the day, if you want." Ethan added, shoving the rest of the blankets off himself to get out of bed. Norman raised a brow, looking at himself then back at Ethan. He already knew that wearing Ethan's shirt would be big on him, but he had a different question on mind.

"Does that mean you yourself have another shirt, or just going to walk around shirtless for lunch, shopping, and dinner?

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