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A moment alone gave Norman time to think, trying to figure out how to address the life abandoned in Washington. He'd have to call his landlord, call the friend he dropped his cat off with for the hospital stay...so much he'd have to do. He already felt socially exhausted from just the thought, deciding to take care of the more important issue when Ethan got back. He knew the man and his son weren't allergic to cats thanks to ARI, but that didn't mean a cat would be liked. At least Saturn was a social cat, so adjusting to the two new people wouldn't be hard. Just the new environment would be the hard part for the cat.

The ex-agent kept that problem in the back of his head and decided to look around, smiling slightly. He was right in feeling impressed about the place, but felt more amazed by the fact that a fully empty condo became a beautiful home. It felt welcoming, even if it was just the hallway in-between the entrance and the rest of the rooms. He walked towards the living room, the first thing he noticed being the vast amount of space. It was fully furnished, yet still had a lot of space. He could imagine dancing in that empty space, the only light the moonlight from the large windows nearby. The mental image made him melt into a smile, as well as the thought that it could very much happen.

He peekee into one of the bedrooms, surprised he found the master bedroom first attempt. He slipped into the room, closing the door behind him. He could still smell perfume in the room. The room was lit with the sunlight filtering through curtains, one of the windows open slightly to filter fresh air in. A dresser sat next to the door, diagonal from the bed. He could see mirrors on the dresser doors, but he didn't look at them for long. A large bed was almost center in the room, dark red bedding with matching pillows. The ex-agent sat on the end of the bed, sinking slightly into it. A small shelf held framed photos and a small stereo, along with some pottery. Below the window was a desk, scattered papers and varied writing utensils littering the space.

Norman layed back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He felt a bit homesick now that he wasn't in a hotel room, but knew he'd get used to it quickly. Travelling a lot made him get used to being away for a while. Though, normally he'd sleep alone every night away from home instead of next to someone. He sat up and looked back at the bed, relaxing at the thought of laying down and someone laying with him after a few minutes. The endless amount of mornings that could be spent with soft gazes, morning kisses, and tired cuddling sounded better than anything else in the world. He could ignore the thoughts of the nights interrupted by withdrawals and nightmares, or what exactly the morning after that would be like.

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