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"You look exhausted," Ethan murmured, starting the car to drive back to the hotel. Norman looked at the other man, nodding slightly. He truly felt exhausted, biting his tongue to keep his eyes open. "I'll buy snacks for you when you wake up, any preference?" Norman managed to smile, reminded of how kind Ethan was. He yawned a little, trying to find a comfortable way to lay his head in the car.

"Anything sweet," he mumbled, closing his eyes. "Chocolate, fruit... any candy you can find." The ex-agent cracked open an eye to see Ethan's reaction. The man looked slightly surprised by the answer, eyes on the road as he pulled out of the parking lot. Yet the sleepy man could still see the surprised ripple in the ocean that was Ethan's eyes.

"I didn't think you had a sweet tooth." The architect said, starting the car. Norman raised a brow, chuckling a bit. "I'll clear the candy aisle for you, Norm." Ethan grinned with a wink, making the exhausted taller man laugh softly. He couldn't help but smile, eventually able to get comfortable for the car ride to the hotel.

He almost fell asleep, but the thought of being carried in kept him awake. He watched the sunset from his tilted position, lazily humming along to the radio. It was a quick ride to the hotel, the ex-agent not wanting to get out of the car, but he half dragged himself out of the car. An arm wrapped around him suddenly, along with the rustle of plastic bags.

"Mars, I can walk," Norman quickly said, shaking his head and shoving the arm gently off himself. It felt like taking off wet clothing, dreaded and heavy. He felt a doubtful gaze on himself before it shifted away. "Do we have an extra key?"
He heard pockets rustle before a card pressed into his hands. He glanced at the other man, giving a small smile as thanks.

"Get some rest, call if you need me." Ethan murmured before getting back into the car and driving away. Norman watched until he couldn't make out the other man's face anymore, starting to walk towards the hotel. At least he didn't have to keep acting like he was fine, rubbing his face with a free hand before entering the cold lobby. The rest of the way to the room was almost a blur, the exhausted man falling asleep still dressed and without blankets covering himself.
Thankfully, the rest was dreamless yet again.

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