Chapter 28: The Student Council Go Somewhere, Part 2

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"Where do we go now?" Hayasaka asks them.

"Let's go to the haunted house!" Ishigami suggests.

"Yeah, I agree with Ishigami. The ferris wheel would be better later on, around sunset." Ritsu nods.

"Wait... haunted house? I'm not great at scary stuff. However... I wonder if Shinomiya's the same..?" Shirogane thought.

"That's right! Misattribution of Arousal! Maybe if she gets scared enough, she might think i'm more attractive and we'll start going out!" Shirogane decides.

Author's note: this is a real thing, go check it out.

They all then proceed to the haunted house.

in front of the attraction, there is a board which has several rules.

1. only 1 group at a time.

2. a group can only have 5 people.

3. if the group is not out within 10 minutes, there will be someone who will come to assist them.

4. The amusement park is not liable for any damage, physical, or emotional.

Ritsu stares at the rules. "Interesting..."

They all read it.

"Since there's seven of us, who's gonna be separated?" Miko asks.

"You guys can go ahead, I'll stay behind." Shirogane volunteers.

Everyone then stares at Shinomiya. "...What?"

"Then it's settled. The five of us are gonna enter first, and Shirogane-san and Shinomiya-san go in later. See you guys!" Ishigami says.

They then enter the haunted house.

Even near the entrance, loud and scary music can be heard. The inside of the house is dark, with very minimal sources of light.

"C'mon. I'll lead you guys." Ritsu tells the group.

They walk a bit further, and a loud crash can be heard. Everyone, including Ishigami, clings onto Ritsu.

as they go up the stairs, a spider falls in front of them. They scream in fear, except for Hayasaka and Ritsu.

On the second floor, a room's door creaks. Behind them, they hear someone whispering.

"I don't wanna do this anymore!!" Chika screams.

Miko clings onto Ishigami. "Oh? You're not scared are you, Miko?" Ishigami teases Miko.

Suddenly, the door beside Ishigami slams hard, causing him to whimper in fear and run to Ritsu.

They go down another flight of stairs, where some hands are moving frantically near the steps.

"Great job guys, woo." Ritsu cheers them on.

"What's so scary about this place?" Hayasaka asks, disappointed.

They then see a figure, kind of translucent and glowing, pass through a wall.

"Oh... I see..." Hayasaka clings onto Ritsu, scared.

"She's clinging onto me?!? Yes! Even though i've been scared this whole time, this is such a win!" Ritsu blushes.

Chika, on the verge of crying again, tells Ritsu, "Run! I want to go home now!"

They make a turn and see the exit. Everyone runs toward it, but not until Chika gets tapped on the shoulder by someone inside the attraction.

Once outside,

"Ishigami-kun... perhaps you were the one who tapped me in the shoulder, right?"

"No, I was too busy running."


Shirogane and Shinomiya stare at them, confused.

Kaguya-Sama Love is War AU: Hayasaka Falls in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now