Chapter 27: The Student Council Go Somewhere, Part 1

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"We're having a week off, a week from now. Why don't we go somewhere?" Shirogane asks the members of the Student Council.

"Why did we suddenly get a week off?" Miko asks.

"Maybe because we're that good of a Student Council." Ritsu smirks.

"No, the entire school will close for a week. Disinfection or something, if i remember correctly." Shirogane points out.

"Anyway, i think the mountains would be good. A breath of fresh air, you know?" Shinomiya suggests.

"I'll pass on the mountains, I don't do well with heights." Ishigami mentions.

"Well, how about the beach?"

"Summer just passed."

Shinomiya looks disappointed.

"Oh, I know! How about an amusement park?" Fujiwara suggests.

Ritsu and Ishigami both look at Fujiwara, as if she just achieved something.

"Finally, you suggested something good!" The two of them thought.

"I'm in!" Ritsu and Ishigami both get excited.

"Me too." Shirogane agrees.

"If the President's going, then maybe I should, too."

"How about you, Miko-chan?" Fujiwara asks.


"Well then, it's settled. We're going to an amusement park next week."

"Uh... hey, President. Can I.... invite my girlfriend to come with us as well?"

"Oh, you mean Hayasaka-san? Sure, no problem."

"Thank you, President!"

A week later,

"Here we gooooo!" Fujiwara says. The group arrive at the amusement park, and sees all the rides and amenities.

"Glad you could make it, Ai-chan." Kaguya smiles.

"Thanks, Kaguya-chan!" Hayasaka smiles back.

"Where do we go first?" Ritsu asks them.

"The roller coaster!" Fujiwara shouts.

"How about the Haunted House?" Ishigami says.

"The merry-go-round seems nice..." Iino suggests.

"I agree with Iino-san. Let's go to the merry-go-round." Hayasaka tells them.

They then proceed to ride the merry-go-round. Shirogane was with Shinomiya, Ritsu was with Hayasaka, and Ishigami was with Iino.

"Hey! Why am I the only one alone?!" Fujiwara asks.

Later on,

Fujiwara leans closer to Iino. "Hey, Miko-chan. Aren't those two awfully close?" Fujiwara points at Ritsu and Hayasaka holding hands.

"Aren't they dating?" Iino replies, confused.

"What?? Why didn't anyone tell me Ritsu-san and Hayasaka-san were dating?!" Fujiwara starts to tear up.

"I thought you knew!?" Ritsu explains.

"How long have you two been together?!?"

"Almost three months."

"How did I not know for the past three months!? Ishigami-kun... here, take my Love Detective cap... it suits you more..." Fujiwara dreadfully says.

Kaguya-Sama Love is War AU: Hayasaka Falls in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now