Chapter 3: Ritsu Wants to Share His Talents

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At the training, Ritsu's team were playing 3-on-3s.

"Hmm, how should i confess?" Ritsu thought to himself in the middle of the game. Suddenly, he gets hit by the ball in the face.

"Yo Ritsu, get your head in the game! We're aiming for Nationals again this season!" His teammate yells at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." Ritsu apologizes.

"Hehe... Ai-san's so pretty..." Ritsu spaced out again.

He then comes back to his senses and proceeds to focus on the game.

After the training, Ritsu notices a familiar-looking blonde girl waiting outside the gate.

"O-oh, good evening, Hayasaka-san."

"Good evening, Sakurajima-san. Just finished your training?"

"Y-yeah. How about you? Are you gonna go home soon?" Ritsu asks Hayasaka.

"Ah, yes. I'm just waiting for Kaguya-san." Hayasaka answers.

"O-oh, I see. Well then, have a safe trip! I like yo- I mean... See you!" Ritsu says, visibly blushing. He then runs away in embarrassment.

"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you." Hayasaka shouts.

"Hehe... he's kinda cute." Hayasaka thought to herself.

The following morning, in the Student Council Room, Miko Iino is writing all the budgets designated for each club, to be submitted to the headmaster.

Miyuki Shirogane, the Student Council President, walks in. "Where is Sakurajima? I haven't seen him all day. I need him to do something."

"He's at the music room, If i remember correctly. I think he's playing the drums for Fujiwara-senpai's band." Iino replies.

Shirogane, not knowing Fujiwara had a band, responds. "Huh? Band? Since when did Fujiwara have a band?"

"A week ago i think, they put up posters. Didn't you see it, President?" Iino answers.


"I wonder if Kaguya's part of the band. I wanna hear her singing." Shirogane thought to himself.

He then proceeds to the music room, and he sees Ritsu and Fujiwara, along with Ishigami and Kashiwagi.

"Yo, President." Ishigami and Ritsu says.

"SHIROGANE! I'M GLAD YOU COULD COME TO OUR FIRST PERFORMANCE!" Fujiwara confidently says to Shirogane.

"Here, President, take a seat!" Kashiwagi then gives him a seat near the stage.

Ishigami is on the lead guitar, Fujiwara on the keyboard, Sakurajima on the drums, and Kashiwagi on the bass, as well as the vocalist. They then proceed to perform a song.

"That was beautiful." Shirogane sheds a tear.

"You should learn from us, Shirogane!"
Fujiwara tells him confidently.

"Nice solo, Ishigami." Ritsu says, commending Ishigami.

"It was nothing, Sakurajima-senpai! If it wasn't for your beat it would've sounded bad." Ishigami replies, smiling.

Back in the Student Council Room,

"T-they left me alone... again." Miko Iino says, sighing.

Kaguya-Sama Love is War AU: Hayasaka Falls in LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt