Chapter 12: Ai Tells Her Mother

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"...I knew it!" Nao just smiles at her daughter.

Ai, confused at what her mother just said, stammered. "Was it obvious?"

"A young man wouldn't walk home alone with my daughter if they weren't dating." Nao giggles.

Ai's face turns red.

"Is it alright with you?"

Nao, being the loving mother that she is, supports Ai's relationships. "Of course, sweetie! Ritsu-kun seems like a polite young man. You two look good together! Anyways, why don't we go inside and eat dinner?"

"...I love you, mom."

"I love you too, sweetie."

The following morning, at the academy,

All of the members of the Student Council were present, except for one: Ritsu Sakurajima.

"Where is Ritsu?" Shirogane asks.

"Probably in the music room?" Ishigami suggests a possible answer.

Fujiwara, an avid user of the music room, knows if the room is available. "Nah, the music room's locked today. someone broke a bass guitar."

"Well, where could he be?"

"He's right over there." Shinomiya points outside the window, and notices Ritsu entering the gym.

"They have a game today? We should watch again." Shirogane suggests.

Miko, with her reclusive nature, politely declines. "I'll pass. I don't like sporting events."

"How about the three of you?"

"I'm in." Shinomiya replies.

"Me too." Ishigami and Fujiwara say at the same time.

"Well then, shall we go?"

At the gym, they see the Shuchiin Basketball Team against another school.

"Go, Shuchiin! Go, Sakurajima-san!" The four of them cheer him on.

As the game was getting more and more intense, Ritsu was getting even more fired up. In the last few seconds of the game, Ritsu jumps, shoots, and...

He slips, and falls to the ground. He tries to break his fall with his arm, but it just did more harm than good.

The crowd sees him, and notices something. His left arm is broken.

The four members of the Student Council that were present at the time immediately call for an ambulance. They come with him to the hospital.

At the hospital, Shirogane calls Ritsu's sister, Haru.

"...This is Haru-san, right? Please come to the hospital, quick."

Kaguya-Sama Love is War AU: Hayasaka Falls in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now