Chapter 13: Ritsu Broke His Arm

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Haru immediately rushes to the hospital. At the lobby, she sees four young adults wearing Shuchiin's uniform.

"Are you Ritsu's friends? What happened to him? Is he okay?"

"We don't know... He had a bad fall in the middle of their basketball game, and he broke his arm." Shirogane explains the situation.

"He's currently having surgery, we'll wait here with you, Haru-san." Shinomiya, worried about her friend, tells Ritsu's sister.

An hour later, the doctor walks in the lobby and calls them.

"He's doing fine. It's not a severe bone fracture that needed amputation. However, we recommend that he stays here over the next two weeks to monitor the healing."

Haru, on the verge of crying, asks the doctor. "May we see him?"

"He's at Room 308. Be careful to not wake him up, he's still resting."

The five of them enter the room. They see Ritsu on the bed, asleep.

A few minutes later, Ritsu wakes up.

"Did we win?"

"Yeah, you did." Ishigami tells Ritsu.

Haru slaps Ritsu on the face. "How many times have i told you to be careful? You had me worried sick!" She then cries.

"Haha, sorry. I got carried away by the game."

"Ritsu-san! I'm glad you're okay!" Fujiwara smiles.

"Anyways, you should rest, Ritsu. Your arm's still healing." Haru tells her little brother.

The members of the Student Council decided to leave early.

"We're gonna go now, bye Ritsu! Get well soon! We'll make sure to drop by sometime!"

Outside the door, Shinomiya pulls out her phone and calls Hayasaka.

"Ai-chan, Sakurajima-san's at the hospital. He broke his arm."

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving."

Inside the room,

"Hey, Haru. Can i get some food? I'm starving."

"I only have this protein bar. You want it?"


As Ritsu munches on the protein bar, someone enters the room.

Hayasaka, worried about Ritsu, asks, "Ritsu-kun, are you okay?"

"Oh, you're Ritsu's girlfriend? Nice to meet you, I'm Haru. Ritsu's older sister." Haru introduces herself to Hayasaka.

"I'm not his girlfriend... yet." Hayasaka shyly responds.

Kaguya-Sama Love is War AU: Hayasaka Falls in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now