"You too, Officer Mason. Oh, and invite Officer Lucas as well. We should invite Lance later. What about the rest of your men and Lance's?" Fina was enjoying this thought she came up with.

But Scarlet tensed. Was this necessary?

"I'll join for dinner, Princess Fina. But please excuse my men and Lance's, aside from our Officers. They dine earlier and require rest. They had a packed day". So much for not yielding. Scarlet composed herself into her Warrior persona, especially when Fina was making things difficult for her.

"Very well", Fina didn't argue, "Then, let's invite Lydia and Brie to join as well. I'm sure they would like to meet and mingle with the suitors too!"

Frederick's eyebrows creased as he tried to make sense out of Princess Fina's suggestion and her mood. Come to think of it, he never really sat or stood this long within this close vicinity of the Princess. Watching her interaction with Scarlet and with his father outside the Council. It was new to be honest.

And this would be the first time he would join dinner with the Princess, Captain Scarlet, and their closed companions; Captain Lance and the other two Lady Companions, Brie and Lydia.

Was this his father's way to ask him to subtly observe them?

Even if he was not keen carrying out his father's will, he was somehow curious and slightly anticipated for dinner. After all, it would be the first time since he and Scarlet parted to have dinner in one table.

Maybe it was a nice change of pace to attempt to dine with the Princess's close companions and maybe, in all honesty, he wished he could get along with Scarlet better and her companions. Even if it sounded late. But better than never.

Then, there were the suitors as well. He was honestly curious about those men. Who wouldn't? Those men would be the one standing by the Princess's side ruling this peaceful Kingdom which was still at infancy.

As the people, he wanted to see for himself how these men would sincerely uphold peace alongside the Princess. He truly wished they were not mere pampered young men like some of his peers he'd known.


Officer Lucas ran to Lydia's room to fetch her down. When he reached outside of her chamber door, he was catching his breath.

It was such a last-minute order, he quickly cleaned himself up and tried to find reasonable clothing to wear for tonight's dinner. All the while, Officer Mason, calmly readied himself.

"Oh, I haven't seen you around before", a female's voice sounded from behind Lucas.

Lucas turned and saw a young lady with washed-out blonde hair pulled up into a simple tail behind and her attire was a simple working dress. She even had these coloured pin needles stuck to a pin cushion which wrapped across her left wrist.

And then, there was a small black-haired boy besides, in a dark blue robe, synonymous to a Scholar's robe.

"Um, I'm Officer Lucas, escorting my sister—I mean, Lady Lydia for dinner with the Princess", he bowed his head slightly, explaining in rapid nervousness.

But Brie caught on, "Oh, you!" she pointed her finger, "You're Lydia's younger brother! Amazing!" Brie grinned wide, genuinely amused to get to meet her close friend's relative—family member. "I'm Brie, the Royal Seamstress specialized in the Kingdom's Warrior Uniforms. This is my helper, Philip", then Brie spoke softly to Philip but Lucas could still hear, "Philip dear, this is Sister Lydia's younger brother, Officer Lucas. That makes him your big brother".


But Philip still held onto Brie's dress. His eyes met Lucas's but quickly averted.

Then, the chamber door opened itself and Lydia was wheeling herself out until she saw the three of them. She was dressed in a long-sleeved dress, with a blue robe tied over her dress. The Scholar robe.

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