'HER' ep 16

196 15 16

‼️WARNING!! This ff includes curse words. So beware ;)
  – i warned u ;)

Plus , please inform if there's any grammar mistake. I would really appreciate that ;)




Kai : What a protective boyfriend, huh ?
- he crossed his arms at his chest.

Y/N : Stop talking about him. *you leaned towards the table* Let's talk about us.
- you gave him a flirty smirk.

Kai : So, you're acting like my girl now , huh ?
- he chuckled.

Y/N : Not your girl. But, your girlfriend , babe ..
- you winked at him..

"The bet just about to start. Let's have fun."


You noticed that Kai began to chuckle sarcastically. So, you've decided to make a first move.

You stood up and walked towards him on the other side of the table *a catwalk*.

You then approached him and he began to turn his chair towards you, and you basically sat down on his lap.

He held you waist while you stared into his eyes and act like you're flirting with him.

You caressed his cheek and down to his jaw and cupped his chin, you began to lifted his chin to make him facing you.

You then leaned towards his face to make your face just a centimetres far from his.

Y/N : Let's have fun , babe.
- you whispered.

You can basically see that he was smirking at you.

Kai : Is this a date or what , huh ?
- he whispered.

Y/N : *shrugged* Well, you call this night a date.. because we're simply going to have tonight , my boyfriend.
- you winked at him.

Your hand then travelled to his shoulder then moved onto his wrist, holding him, you stood up and began to walk towards the door to leave the reservation room.

As a Top Model, you can't leave the room using the main door.. because you know, there are lots of paparazzi in this building. So, avoiding from any rumours, you slowly walked towards the kitchen and sneaked to the exit door. [ no one caught you , so don't worry ]







[ imagine this is Kai's car ]

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

[ imagine this is Kai's car ]

As soon as you stepped in front of his car, you then began to open the door and entered the passenger seat.

(C) 'HER' | PJMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora