The council of elders

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As akjdfhlkwrahgllasfhdkhwsd got closer to the ocean the humming grew into a voice. The voice called her into the water. As she stepped closer she started feeling an invisible force pulling her into the ocean, she took a deep breath and dove under. But as she continued to be pulled into the deep she noticed that she didn't need to breathe.

After being dragged deeper into the ocean for what felt like forever but could only have been a few minutes she got to a large circle of stones on the sand where the water was clearer.

As she stepped into the circle three chairs emerged from the ocean floor. On each of the thrones sat a creature, each of them watching her intently.

On the throne furthest to the left sat an Aboleth, its tail swishing slowly and causing small ripples to form on the water.

On the throne furthest to the right sat an Axolotl, his eyes radiating madness and wisdom at the same time.

And on the middle throne sat Kim kardashian, she smelled like pickled onions and she had long fingers, her orbs,,,,,,, were, reed, from lazer because she could shoot lasers out of her eyes. She had the power of destruction, she could destroy anything, even my virginity. The axolotl could create things because he was magical with his fins.

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