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when i came back to i was shocked. Shock ran through me. I was shocked.

The tiny murderer was dead on the floor. He lay dead, having died of course.

"oh no i shouldnt have done that" i said and ran away hurriedly to my room where i changed clothes into a black, purple lingerie corset with blue and red chains that glew (glowed in past tense) because they had been dipped in evil water juice. (the water was actually my fathers piss becaus ehe is the demon devil king lord master)

i was wearing my corset and i ran out of my bedroom and out of the house (actually palace because im rich but, oh well)

I ran outside and it was snowing but i wasnt cold even though i was wearing lingerie because my blood was on fire. It boiled. It was boiling, bubbling, producing heat. I was not cold. I was warm

Then suddenly out of the sky swept Jule Vape, my worst enemy. He was the son of my fathers worst enemy, the parliment. He and i had always hated eachother because our families were enemies.

"Ugh" i scoffed at him "i cant believe you are here i hate you so much" I said while staring angrily at him with my emerld orbeez

He looked at me sideways with a confused and annoyed look. "What do you mean what am i doing here, this is my house? why are you standing outside my house in lingerie?? weird bitch" He said as he kept walking. He kept pretending that he didnt like me but i knew that he did because i am so beautiful and gorgeous all the boys and men in the kingdom are in love with me. I periodically have to kill off men who try to court me becaus ethey are too ugly for my tast *eyeroll*

I liked it when he plays hard to get.

"HAHA YOU ARE SO FUNNY JULE VAPE; SON OF MY FATHERS ENEMY" I said while repeatedly punching him, in a cute way of course. I know that he liked me.

end chapter.

The name of the girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon