6. Melbourne GP

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'I'm a slow reader, mate' she laughed, closing the book.

'cute picture' he told her, nodding to her bookmark.

'I know, right? Hey Seb, hey Britta' she added, as the German and his PA joined them and Silvia 'good flight?'

'It was ok, thanks' Seb replied, with a smile.

'See? We can be professional' Valeria thought. 'Oh Charlie, I forgot. Dad was going through old pictures, look at this!' she showed him a picture of them two from the early 2000s. 'i have already commented to my mum about my hair style and clothes, she said that's what was fashionable... maybe she was just blind' she nodded to the ill fitting jeans and jumper she was wearing. Seb couldn't contain a laugh. 'excuse me? I'm sure the 2000s were as bad in Germany as they were for us in the Mediterranean' she told him, making him smile.

'My god, look at me! When was this?' Charles asked.

'2001, 2002? I was 10, 11ish.. so you were what? 4? 5?' she smiled. 'I'm sure there's some of Arthur too' she flicked through the digital copies her dad had sent her. 'I'll ping them through to you' she told him, getting up, as Pietro had finally joined her too. 'if you'll excuse me, I'm starving. I have spent all day on the beach and only ate an ice cream and an iced coffee' she told them. 'I'll see you all tomorrow, 9 am, drivers briefing. Go get some rest' she smiled.

'Hello and goodbye, I guess' Pietro laughed. 'see you tomorrow'

The two colleague walked out of the hotel. 'where's this place you mentioned?'

'Not far, just across the road. The meat is just to die for' he said as they crossed the road.

'I guess we won't find Lewis there, then' she joked.

They walked out of the restaurant, a couple of hours later, both full and happy.

'I'm gonna sleep so well tonight' Valeria joked, as she unlocked her door. 'good night Pi'

'Night, babe' he replied.

'Room 723, whenever you want' Seb texted her, as soon as she had changed into her pyjamas.

'I have literally just changed into my pjs so I'll come up if you promise you won't judge' she replied.

'can't promise anything. I'll leave the door unlocked, Kleiner' she grabbed her oversized hoodie and covered herself. She pulled the hood up to be ad unrecognisable as possible.

She walked up the stairs, thinking she would meet less people that way, and she opened the door to Seb's room.

'fuck me! This is how the other half lives' she exclaimed, walking in his suite.

'Shut up and kiss me' he told her, grabbing her by the waist. She felt the German's lips on hers and she wrapped her arms behind his neck. She had missed him, they hadn't been able to spend much time together, just the two of them, since winter testing.

'hello, by the way' she joked, as they separated.

'Hi' he smiled. 'Good dinner?'

'it was great, actually. I had the best steak' she replied. 'I'm knackered now, though. I think the jetlag has found me'

'can you stay here for tonight?' he asked her, a little pout on his face. 'please' he added.

'I'd never thought that one day I'd have a 4 time world champion beg me for anything' she teased him. 'I'll stay, but i need to leave extra early to get changed.'

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