Chapter 11

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Ugh! I'm alive, I'm awake, ew.

After that happy thought, I flopped back into my bed and closed my eyes.

"Come on Annabeth!" Hazel called in my ear whilst prodding me with the heel of one of the shoes I will be wearing today.

"No," I groaned, slumping over with my pillow on my head, "cause that means facing Reyna and dealing with Drews looks."

"But I have made you the best dress yet," She sang, "with a tiara and jewels." I rolled over raising an eyebrow at her. I normally don't like dresses and fancy things but this sounded tempting.

Hazel made her way over to my cupboard and pulled out a huge heavy-looking gown and my jaw dropped.

"Okay, I'm up," I quickly agreed rushing over to her, "this is amazing Haze everything is so glamorous but what's the theme supposed to be?"

"Simple," she smiled brightly, "that's the theme." She clarified

"Haze," I gestured to the gown, "this is not simple."

"Oh hush," she pushed the dress over my head, "everything is a simple grey with simple diamonds." Only hazel would call a diamond simple.


I walked into breakfast with my back straight and head up mainly to keep the hairpiece on my head but also in case Julia was hiding behind one of the walls, she had been doing that lately, saying that a proper queen always has perfect posture even when they think there alone. that woman scares me sometimes.

"Morning," I greeted the girls as I sat down, our numbers were dwindling with only 16 girls left. Piper informed me that the two girls that were eliminated last night were Richelle Harris and Emily Williams. Unlike me, Piper was actually dressed in a simple white gown.

"What's happening today?" I asked as the royal family entered

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"What's happening today?" I asked as the royal family entered.

"We're about to find out." Piper answered and sure enough, Sally stood and called for our attention.

"Good morning girls, today is a very exciting day because you finally, after many weeks of being stuck inside have the opportunity to leave the palace," the girls all looked at each other confused, "today is a day just for yourselves, go shopping or to a spa just do what you want."

Now I was getting excited, a whole day in town! Sally then went on to explain how security will work and that it is best to travel in groups. So Piper, Selena, Katie, Caly and I agreed to stay together as Reyna wouldn't even look in my direction and Thalia was sick in her room.

After breakfast, we headed back to our rooms and got dressed in some casual clothes.



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